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airy's titles !!

she/her can be replaced with any pronoun I use.
"one" can be replaced with a different title in some contexts (for example "the bittersweet speller of moonlight")


꒰ favourites, most used ꒱
The being from the deep end◞ The speller of moonlight◞ TOTALLY_NOT_MALWARE.exe◞ The duke of the stars◞ The world eater


꒰ love these a lot, used often ꒱
The ruler of everything◞ The sacrifical lamb◞ She with (the) eyes of mercy◞ The angel prince(ss)◞ She whose heart is undying◞ The one with wings who illuminate the night◞ The blooming wish◞ She whose wings bloom in the night◞ The conductor◞ The collector


꒰ cool but not favourites, used sparingly ꒱
The vapor in the waves◞ Her tooth-rotting sweetness◞ The one of sheep's clothing◞ The idol◞ Her powerfulness◞ The bloody one◞ The executioner◞ The fourth son◞ The laughing one◞ The soft light within the darkness◞ The witching hour◞ The drowned one◞ The swimming terror◞ Her deep lordship◞ Her lunar highness◞ The eternal sleeper◞ The bittersweet one◞ The cocoa heart◞ She who is made from code◞ The shooting star◞ The mysterious one who sings◞ Her fictioness◞ The one with a mechanical heart◞ The spawn of stars◞ The all frozen one◞ The bloom of mayhem◞ The forested entity◞ The surgeon◞ The toymaker◞ The abyssal zone lurker◞ Her puppeteering◞ The god of matter◞ The executioner◞ The bloodied one◞ The creature of darkness and destruction◞ The nameless◞ The worlds cutest vampire◞ She with the covered eyes◞ The sugar coated one◞ The sweet filled one◞ She who is made of sweetness◞ Sweetness embodied◞ The embodiment of sweetness◞ The haunted one◞ She who haunts◞ The trickster◞ The trickster in the night◞ The jack-'o'-lantern◞ She who plays tricks◞ She who tricked the moon◞ The sweetest treat◞ The trick-or-treater◞ The ghost◞ The godess◞ The digital dreamer

Pub: 12 Jan 2023 19:07 UTC
Edit: 24 Jan 2023 17:37 UTC
Views: 111