do not interact
(01) general criteria (racist, zionist, homophobic, ableist, ect.) (02) proship ) comship ) darkship ) WHATEVER (03) most jjba fans LOL sorry not sorry (04) -15 or 20+ (current friends okay) (05) radqueer or support them (06) if you're one of those weird "i'm an angel" people or call yourself a god or associate yourself with any of the figures (INCLUDING JESUS) present in my religion (islam). this includes being an introject. you're weird. sorry not sorry. (07) if you consider yourself a theistic satanist. atheistic satanism is OK and i understand the difference. 🤗 before you follow ) interact
(01) i don't use tone tags, don't want them to be used on me, and will not use them for you even if you ask (except perhaps if we are friends <3) (02) i am mentally ill and have memory issues which can effect my behavior (03) i am muslim. if this makes you uncomfortable or whatever go ahead and block me. no i don't hate gay people i'm queer myself no i don't hate nonbelievers. if you have any questions feel free to ask as long as you're respectful about it.


Pub: 29 Dec 2022 02:17 UTC
Edit: 26 Jun 2024 06:51 UTC
Views: 213