batter i am a minor, i don't want freaks who are over 18 flirting/harassing me i may or may not understand the tone of others online so tone indicators are much appreciated, but if you don't wish to use them that's fine. However, don't do the " /srs /gen /aff /pos /nm " in one sentence stuff, it's stupid n confusing as hell if i don't know you, please do not try to flirt with me. i only (jokingly) flirt with my friends and (srsly flirt) with my boyfriend. i am an irl + fictionkin of characters from media, if me being those things bother you: the hide/block button is right there i dont enjoy being babied or treated like i'm a "cinnamon roll", nor do i like being treated like im a "bad guy" over my personality/kins + irls. so please don't do that i may come off as distant/uninterested in those i just met/barely met, and i apologize for that, but im also rlly awkward n socially anxious when talking to others so i cannot make new friends to save my life i get really jealous over stuff i REALLY like and whenever people say they like [blank] more than me or that they're [blank]'s biggest fan. and not just over interests, it can be over people too i dont mind other irls interacting with me, just as long as you don't try to "kindate" or attack me. other than that i have no problem with you i block freely. if you do something i dont like or you bother me/my friends im hiding you, dont get butthurt

go back next page pablo

have a nice day, you

Pub: 01 Jun 2024 20:40 UTC
Edit: 03 Jun 2024 00:38 UTC
Views: 210