A fortnight ago, everyone woke up in the middle of the night to see a glowing green inferno on the horizon.

The Great and Everlasting College of Mages, the center of magical research throughout the world, had exploded. When the reports came in, there was apparently nothing left but a perfectly smooth crater. People were mostly indifferent; after all, the wizards had a habit of mucking with things they didn’t understand and many saw it as their ultimate comeuppance.

But as time went on, it was with horrified shock that humans watched kobolds stage a bloodless takeover of the land. Nobody could really explain why, only that people were somehow...drawn to their words. Drawn to obey them and yield to them.

Towns, villages, and cities alike submitted to koboldkind. And now their sights were set on Cruden, a large fortified city near the mountains. Already a small group of kobolds had ordered the guards to open the gates, and it was only a matter of time before the rest of the short skinks showed up.

In one corner of the city, a blacksmith’s apprentice was busily packing his things with swift purpose. Young and lean, Maxwell was nearing the end of his apprenticeship. Or maybe he’d already arrived; just that morning, he’d discovered his mentor had already vanished and left a note in his stead.

Dear Maxwell,

If you’re reading this, I’m already gone. I’m not a complicated man but I still have my pride, and I’m not going to lose it submitting to those little wannabe dragons. If you feel the same, I suggest you leave Cruden now.

He’d gotten the message and began gathering his things as soon as he finished reading the note. Like his mentor, wasn’t exactly drawn to the idea of kneeling to the kobolds. As he packed, his mind wandered to the recent events of the last two weeks, and the kobold takeover. He especially thought of Falra, the smithy’s kobold slave.

Unlike his mentor, Maxwell never had any ill will towards the little guys. Having a kobold slave was just something people did. Ever since the kobolds started taking over, he couldn’t help but feel bad for the way he treated her sometimes; smithing was hard and stressful work, and he took it out on her at times.

Strangely, the green-scaled lizard had been missing for a week. He could only assume she’d joined her people looting somewhere, but it hardly mattered now.

With a grunt, he hefted his full sack over his shoulder walking out the back door of the smithy to Boey, his loyal mule. He lifted up the bag, setting it over the creature’s back. It made a small whinny of protest but stood still.

He smiled, reaching up to pet Boey’s mane. “At least you haven’t run off,” he muttered.

Grabbing the Boey’s reigns, he began to lead the creature from out around the smithy. He led the creature into the midst of an evacuation; already people were leaving the city in droves with whatever they could carry. But as he walked the mule forward, he noticed something odd. People weren’t leaving towards the gates; they were going the other way. Running, some of them.

His eyes went wide. He’d taken too long! Turning his head down the main street, he saw a scaly tide rushing down it. Kobolds of every color, stampeding through the city, looting as they went.

Maxwell recoiled and rushed to the side of his mule, determined to ride his way out. But as he placed one foot in the mule’s stirrup, a shrill squeaky voice called out to him.

“Stop, human!”

He froze. Something about the voice compelled him to obey. With a sigh, he pulled his foot away from the stirrup, turning around to see himself completely surrounded by a squad of kobolds, their spears raised at him.

From the group, a blue-scaled kobold stepped forward in makeshift plate armor, bringing the tip of her crude spear to the tip of Maxwell's nose. He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender; if it wasn't for the strange way kobolds compelled people now, he was pretty sure he would've been able to just yank the spear out of her hand and snap it in two.

“Human!” the kobold squeaked again. “Surrender treasures!”

With a sigh, he gestured to Boey. “Everything I have's on the mule.”

The kobolds reacted immediately, scrambling forward and past him. With greedy claws they ripped the sack off Boey, valuables spilling to the cobblestone street. With squeals of glee they gathered them up, stuffing the riches into their satchels and pockets. One of them picked up a particularly large gold coin, scrambling off as some of the other kobolds chased after her.

One particularly adventurous lizard climbed up onto Boey, kicking him on his his quarters with her taloned feet. With a whinny, the mule bucked and took off into the city, heehawing with fury. The lizard rode the bucking beast of burden like she was at a rodeo, rounding the corner and disappearing from sight.

Maxwell watched the entire event with defeated resignation, lifting up his arms and letting them fall to his side. “Really?” he prompted, turning to the apparent leader of the group. “You couldn't let me keep the mule?”

“Mule kobold property now, human!” the leader shot back. “Along with, well, everything else! Surrender other treasures!”

“You already took everything I had on mule,” Maxwell countered. “What's left?”

The kobold leaned forward, sniffing at his thigh. “Kobold can smell treasure on you, human! Don't lie to kobold! Empty pockets!”

With a shrug, Maxwell complied, turning his pockets inside-out. The last remaining coins he had spilled to the ground and were instantly seized by nearby kobolds.

“Alright,” he huffed, “that's actually all I have now.”

“Not quite!” the leader shrilled back. “Give shirt!”


“Human hear kobold!” she piped. “Kobold like human shirt! Give!”

As embarrassing as it was, again he found himself compelled to comply, and unbuttoned his blue shirt. He handed it to the kobold, who snatched it out of his hands and draped it over her shoulders. It hung on her body like a long cloak, the tail dragging along the ground.

She inspected her new article of clothing, looking down her back. “Hmmm. Looks good on kobold.” She turned to one of her subordinates. “What you think?”

The kobold soldier shrugged, making a squeaking 'meh'.

The leader fumed. “Well, kobold not ask you!”

She turned back to Maxwell, pointing a claw at him. “As for you, human! You and all other humans in city now prisoners of Thousand Claw Clan!”

“Thousand Claw Clan?” Maxwell asked.

“Best kobold clan!” the leader announced with a shake of her spear. “We round up humans and take them to town center. Hear big proclo...pricolo...big speech from clan matriarch!”

She stepped forward, rapping the shaft of her spear against Maxwell's leg. He suspected she meant for it to hurt, but it barely registered as a sting. “Now get going, human!” she commanded. “Kobold watching you!”

He put his hands behind his head, rolling his eyes as he allowed the little lizard to poke him towards the town center. Despite the humiliating circumstances, Maxwell was surprised by how...okay he was with the situation. Something about it just clicked, in an unconscious and subtle way he couldn't articulate.

“Goddamn wizards...” he muttered under his breath.

As they led him through the city, he saw it being overrun before his very eyes. Kobolds capturing humans with no resistance, plundering everything they could find, and leading their captives towards the town center with their small or crudely-crafted weaponry.

From behind him, one of the kobolds spoke up.

“Kobold still not understand,” she wondered. “Why humans not fight back? Not resist?”

One of the kobolds out in front turned her head, pointing up at the sky. “Kobold know! Kobold gods have vanquished human gods!” She pointed to Maxwell with a wicked grin. “World reflecting heavens! As above, so below, human!”

“Nnnnng!” one of the others complained. “That too complicated! Kobold think it just simple kobold superiority being realized!”

“Maybe something in human water supply?” a third suggested.

A fourth joined in. “Kobold think it have something to do with big wizard tower exploding.”

The others 'hmmmed' in doubtful tones, prompting the fourth kobold to explain herself. “Kobold mean it! Kobold saw tower explode with her own eyes! Everything different after that!”

The kobolds around Maxwell began to bicker among themselves, each of them having their own outlandish theories for why humans were compelled to obey them now. In the middle of them all, the leader quietly grew more and more agitated, until she finally silenced them with a yell.

“Quiet!” she barked. “We not get anywhere arguing!”

“But kobold like arguing...” one of the others complained.

The leader stepped out in front, walking backwards as she pointed her spear at Maxwell. “It not matter why they listen to us now! Kobolds shouldn't complain about good luck!”

The street cleared out ahead into a large square, a wooden platform in the center. The town center, already filled with what seemed like hundreds of kobolds and every single adult resident of the village. The people of the village shifted around nervously, not sure of what awaited them.

Maxwell was marched to the front of the crowd, just at the base of the central platform. There, the leader finally pulled her spear away from Maxwell, apparently convinced he wouldn't try to run. After a moment, one of her subordinates piped up.

“What kobolds do with city now?” they asked.

“Probably same thing we did with last city,” another nearby kobold replied. “And the one before that. And the one before that. And the town before that. And village before that...”

“That wasn't village,” the first kobold corrected. “That was more hamlet.”

“Oh, you expert on human settlements?”

“Quiet!” the leader snapped. “We take their treasures and their flesh! Same as everyplace!”

Her words made Maxwell pause. Some of the other humans around them murmured among themselves, trying to guess at what she meant.

But Maxwell was keener than most; he'd seen how some of the kobolds had been looking at him ever since he'd run into them. It wasn't just greed in their cunning little eyes. There was something more...hungry.

He was starting to get an idea of what she'd meant. Suddenly, the crowd fell silent, some of the kobolds ordering their comrades or nearby humans to shush. The crowd to Maxwell's left began to part, and soon enough he saw why.

Walking up the steps to the podium was a taller-than-average blue kobold, her thick thighs swaying with every step. She was covered in glittering jewelry, gold anklets and bracelets dangling off her arms and legs. But even stranger was who was following behind her. A human man, completely nude, being led by a chained leash connected to the collar around his neck.

When they made it to the top of the podium, the kobold squeaked a command to the human, and he obediently laid down flat on the platform. With zero ceremony, the kobold raised her thick tail and sat down on his face, crossing her legs with a sly smile.

She held out her arms in a triumphant gesture. “Fellow kobolds!” she announced, “the city of Cruden is now ours!”

The kobolds in the crowd cheered, raising up their weapons in salute. A few fell over.

“And as for the humans here,” the kobold continued in unkoboldlike eloquence, “allow me to introduce myself. You stand in the presence of Sadak the Dragon Empress! Matriarch of the Thousand Claw Clan! Ruler of this land, and Enslaver of Humans!”

She leaned forward, the human under her thighs moaning. “And by the authority invested in me, by me, I hereby decree that all human property, lands, and treasures now belong to kobolds!”

Throughout the crowd, a few of the humans grumbled in defeat, but more seem surprised how nobody was overtly complaining. A few even seemed...content with their new state of affairs.

“And!” she continued, “I hereby rename this city to something better! But what?”

“Koboldtown?” one of the kobolds in front suggested.

The matriarch sweeped her arms in a frustrated gesture. “No!” she yipped. “No more Koboldtowns! We have like five of those now! We need something new! Something like...”

Maxwell raised in arms in a shrug, speaking up from the crowd. “Yipton?”

“Yes!” the matriarch beamed, pointing her claw to Maxwell. “Good suggestion, human! I hereby declare this city–Yipton!”

The kobolds again raised their weapons, repeating the city's new name.

“I think that's it,” Sadak said, tapping a talon on her chin. “Don't think I had anything else to say, except–”

Her eyes went wide with the light of sudden recollection. “Oh!” she trilled. “How could I forget?”

She looked down the humans, gleefully grinning. “To every human here: I am pleased to announce that you all, like all humans, are now slaves to kobolds!” Her eyes swept over the crowd. “And to all fellow kobolds: you get your pick of one human from the city! After today, you'll have to buy more!”

“Now then!” she cheeped. “Enjoy humans! Today belongs to kobolds!”

The kobolds in the crowd cheered and with no hesitation, began to assert their dominance over the humans in the crowds. They began stripping and tearing the clothes of their nearby captives, each of them picking their own personal slave to mate with. A massive orgy began to unfold in the streets as the kobolds fucked their new submissive slaves, greens and reds and blues and many other colors blending in with the skin tones of humans.

It was sexual pandemonium, but in the chaos, Maxwell saw an opening. None of the kobolds had gone for him, and he quietly managed to wade through the scaly insanity, blundering his way out of the main square. Nobody yelled at him to stop or turn around, and he bolted for a nearby alley.

Rounding a corner, something suddenly caught his leg. A surprised squeak sounded out from below him, and he lost his balance. He tumbled, landing straight on his back. A second later, a rain of gold coins and trinkets sprinkled down around him. He grunted, slowly pulling himself up to see he'd run straight into a green kobold, who was now wincing and rubbing her head.

“Aaaargh!” she cried. “Watch where you're going, clumsy human!”

Maxwell blinked. He recognized the little lizard in front of him. The green scales, the blue eyes, the little iron ring on her horn...

“Falra?!” Maxwell blurted.

The kobold stopped rubbing her head, opening her eyes and looking to Maxwell. “Maxwell?”

She scrambled up, pouting with her claws on her hips. “Where have you been, human?! Falra has been looking all over for you!”

“Clearly,” Maxwell monotoned, gesturing to the scattered pile of treasures around them.

She huffed. “Nnnng! Kobold may have got distracted. Get best loot from all nearby human cities! I was going to add you to loot, but was already carrying too much.”

“Me?” Maxwell asked.

“Yes, you!” she yipped. “Falra not forget all the times you were mean to her!”

Maxwell raised his hands in defense. “If it means anything, I do really fell awful about–”

“No buts, human!” she barked. “Falda take her revenge now!”

She scrambled forward, planting one of her clawed feet on his bare chest. She pointed a talon to herself, smirking smugly. “Falda declare you Falda's slave!” she declared. “You belong to kobold now! Do what kobold says!”

And to Maxwell, it seemed...natural. It wasn't even that he wanted to resist but couldn't, but that he didn't have the will to resist at all. He simply accepted her declaration with only the barest annoyed sigh. “Well,” he muttered. “What now?”

She walked over his chest, pushing his head into the street. “Now you do what kobold says!”

“You already said that,” Maxwell advised.

“Oh,” Falra replied. “Well, doesn't matter! Kobold mean what she say when she say she take revenge! Get up, human!”

She jumped off him, letting him rise to his feet. When he was up, she pointed to some of the nearby spilled loot. “Pick up treasure, human! Carry them for Falra!”

Maxwell shrugged, gathering all the gold and valuables into his arms. He was mildly impressed that Falra had managed to carry as much as she had been; the stack of loot must have been towering over her head when he ran into her. When he'd gathered up the last golden coin, he turned to Falra. “Got the loot,” he stated.

“Good!” Falra barked. “Now! Takes treasure back to smithy. We dump them off there.”

“I'm kind of surprised you want to go back there,” Maxwell said. “Considering that's where we kept you.”

“Kobold have big plans for forge!” she beamed. “Now stop talking and take treasures, there, human! Or kobold will have to bite you!”

Unlike their weapons, that would actually hurt. Still, Maxwell knew Falda well enough to know it was almost certainly an idle threat, but he obeyed her all the same. With the treasures still in his arms, he walked out of the alley with Falda right behind him, a skip in her step.

They emerged in another part of the city, and already he could see that the kobolds were really enjoying their newfound place as the masters of the city. As soon as they exited the alley, they passed a group of male kobolds tearing the clothes off a woman to have their way with her. As soon as she was disrobed, a simple command from one of the lizards prompted her to get down on all fours, inviting one of them to take her from behind while the other forced her to suck his cock. The woman moaned with delight, gladly taking the cocks as she serviced her new masters.

Passing them, they went by another group of kobolds that Maxwell recognized standing before some of the more well-to-do members of the town. Former slaves, their collars still around their necks, lecturing their former masters on what to expect.

“Rule 1!” the kobold cried to her new slaves, “always obey kobold!”

“Rule 2!” the kobold next to her added, “Uh. Hm. Rule 1 kind of cover everything, doesn't it?”

The two of them began to argue over the particularities of their new rules as their slaves simply watched on, waiting for them to tucker themselves out.

Above them, kobolds were climbing the towers and tall buildings of the cities, throwing the banner of their clan from them. On the street level, kobolds with ink and tiny quills tattooing the same symbol on the banner onto the skins of their slaves, denoting them as the clan's property, along with the name of the particular kobold owner. At least twice, Maxwell overheard own slaves helped them spell out the name.

And everywhere else, it seems kobolds were just taking the time to fuck their humans into submission, males rutting into their slaves like beasts in heat, females ravishing their own property. They even passed a human and kobold he knew; a local farm boy and a kobold he was rumored to be sweet on. Now he was nude, a steel collar around his neck. He didn't seem to mind in his recent enslavement, standing up as he fucked his kobold master standing, wet slaps sounding out with her little trills of pleasure.

She certainly seemed to revel in his affections as she bounced on his cock, licking bare his chest in loving slurps, squeaking with delight with every thrust.

Pushing past all the sex in the street, they finally made their way back to the smithy. Falra bounded up to the entrance, standing with her arms crossed as she tapped her foot.

“Well?” she prompted. “Open door for kobold!”

He stepped forward and complied, kicking the door open with his foot, valuables still in hand. The kobold yipped mischievously as she disappeared into the darkness inside, Maxwell following in behind her. When his eyes adjusted to the dim interior, he saw the kobold running around in excited glee, inspecting the forge like his old mentor.

After a moment of frantic checking, she jumped up triumphantly. “Yes!” she cheered. “Kobolds not loot forge!”

“There's probably nothing here they want. It's all iron and steel in here.”

“Slave right. Grey metal boring.”

She turned, pointing to the floor. “Work for Falra, though! Drop loot!”

Maxwell bent over, depositing all the valuables on a nearby table. He worked it into a small hill of treasure; a fortune that Falra had stolen, and more than he'd make in five lifetimes.

“Human slave get to work soon!” she explained, walking around the forge to inspect it. “Many kobolds need chains for new slaves. Maxwell forge them!” She perked up, spinning around and looking to the pile of treasure on the table. “Even make fancy collars out of gold Falra take! Make big profit!”

His eyes raised in surprise. For someone that had been a slave two weeks ago, she certainly seemed to have a keen sense of business. It was just lucky for her he did in fact know how to work gold; his previous mentor had been gruff and rude, but he'd been a good teacher.

“But...” Falra continued, slowly turning her gaze away from the gold and to Maxwell. “Work can wait. Falra want to break slave in. Get real payback for all times slave was mean to Falra.”

“Hey,” he protested. “I already said I was–“

She ran up to him, wrapping her claws around his pants. She ripped them to shreds, throwing them away with her little arms, then diverted her attention to his undergarments. Those she disposed just as quickly as his pants, leaving him naked before his kobold master and his cock swinging free.

Falra stared at his member with lust, her mouth open and drooling, eyes sparkling.

“Human...” she awed, and opened her mouth wider. Her long tongue reached out from her lips, running along the underside of his shaft. She licked him greedily like candy, dragging her tongue all the way to the tip.

“Human tasty,” she purred. She kept ticking the end of his cock with her tongue, teasing it to a full erection. His breath hitched with every lick, and soon enough his dick was hard and ready.

“Falra–” Maxwell moaned, too aroused to form words.

She pulled away from his cock, disrobing in front of him, throwing away her simple loincloth, standing before him as naked as he was.

“Human Falra's property now,” she cooed. She scrambled up his body, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Falra make human mate with her whenever she want.”

“Uh-uh,” Maxwell stuttered.

Falra leaned forward, opening her mouth and gently pressing her sharp teeth against his throat. Not enough to hurt, but just feel the barest of pricks against his skin. “Falra told human she'd bite!”

She laid an equally gentle lovebite on the other side of his neck. “Falra make human do whatever she want...”

Pulling back, she looked up with a fresh idea entering her head. “That give kobold idea...”

Wth a lustful squeak, she pulled Maxwell's head to meet hers. “Give kobold bath, human.”

He blinked, processing what she said. After a beat he stepped forward towards the building's bathtub, but his master stopped him with a gentle shake of her arms.

“No!” she ordered, “give kobold bath with tongue.”

Maxwell paused. It wasn't that he didn't want to obey the order, he just didn't know how to proceed. After a moment, he worked up the nerve to lift Falra up in his arms, holding her close to him. He ran his tongue down the length of her cool, scaly chest, tasting her and savoring it.

“O-oh!” Falra squeaked, her toes curling. “Human tongue so warm!” She swung her legs up, laying her feet on his shoulders. “Human not done,” she chided. “Human give bath all over!”

Maxwell complied, pulling is tongue across her chest once more, his saliva shining on her smooth underbelly. She giggled, urging him to keep going. He closed his eyes, letting his instincts move across her short body. Down her thick thighs, to the talons of her toes. Migrating all the way back up, his tongue once again dragging up her chest as he made his way to her arms. After a few swipes, Falda tapped him with her foot.

“Now do kobold back, human!”

He turned her around in the air and laid his lips on her neck. She crooned, tilting her neck up to invite more licks from her loyal slave. He licked his way down her back, finally making it to her thick tail swaying below her. He tasted both sides of it, working his mouth down to the base. When he arrived, he felt a heat near his face; Falda's heat, wet and glistening.

“Nnnng!” she moaned, lifting one of her legs in a gesture of need. “Human make kobold clean, but kobold want more. Kobold want human to make her feel dirty!”

She squirmed in his grip, trying to turn around. He got her message and flipped her back toward him, looking into her yellow reptilian eyes, now sparkling with conspiracy. She forward, slipping her tongue past Maxwell's lips, her breath escaping through her nose. The embrace they shared was long, her slippery tongue exploring his own mouth until she finally pulled away, traced of his own spit trailing from her lips.

Falda licked it away with a smile. “Human taste good. Make Falda wonder how got she taste!”

With another twist, she lifted her lips into the air and pulled back her tail, exposing her wet slit.

She wiggled her hips in an inviting gesture. “Taste kobold, human! Use tongue good!”

He nodded and dove in, placing his mouth upon her slit and slipping in his tongue. His tongue met her natural lubrication, wet and sticky and pouring into his mouth. He curled his tongue up once, testing her reaction. She shrilled with delight.

He was on the right track. He dove in further, licking her pussy in deep, hard laps. With every one, Falda made a new adorable noise, her body tensing up as he drowned in the tangy fluids. Her shrills grew higher and higher until it felt like she'd come with him still between her legs, her legs stiffening and her chest rising.

She wiggled her waist again. “Stop, human!”

He pulled away, her fluids dripping from his mouth. She looked up to him, pointing to the floor.

“Lay down! Kobold claim slave in old-fashioned new kobold way!”

He didn't know what she had planned, but his lust was raging and he'd do anything the relief now, his brain frying and his pulse pounding. It was lust that controlled him now, and he wanted nothing more than desperate to please the kobold gently dominating him.

Lowering Falda to the floor, he laid down on his back. The kobold stood in front of his spread legs, again staring at his cock with wild lust and drool trailing from her mouth, hands on her cheeks.

“Kobold want so much,” she moaned.

She reached out one foot, kneading his erection with her foot. “Kobold have...”

In one sudden motion she leaped onto his chest, running her tongue along his chest and raising her tail.

“Kobold take!”

She slammed down her hips, engulfing his shaft. Her tightness overwhelmed him, a moan escaping his lips. He leaned back his head, his hands balling into fists as the kobold began to ride him, her small but powerful legs bouncing her up and down his cock, working his cock to exhaustion. With every push up he felt like she was pulling out a bit of his soul, her walls clenching harder and growing wetter with every movement.

Soon his whole groin was coated with her juices as she writhed on top of him, purring with bliss. Her breaths began to hitch, her muscles quivering as she approached the climax she'd been striving for. As it approached her, she grit her teeth, closing her eyes and grunting out a final declaration.

“Human! Slave!” she squeaked. “Age of Humans! Over! Age of kobolds! Here!”

She slammed one final time, her mouth erupting in a tiny cry as she went flying into her climax. Her body shuddered with delight, vagina clenching tight around Maxwell's member in wet maddening heat. It was all he needed. With a moan of his own, he came inside her, shooting thick loads into her waiting reptilian sex, cum dribbling down his cock as he bucked his seed into her.

His body raced with pulses of warmth, his cock impaling her with his body giving everything he had. Her own orgasm seemed to last longer than any human's, her pussy still clenched and throbbing as he spurted into her time and time again.

Finally, his orgasm began to taper off with his scaly lover's, their muscles relaxing and their breaths returning to steady, satisfied sighs.

Falra panted, remaining on top of him as she stared at the ceiling in the warm afterglow, her eyes dull and unfocused from their session. She opened her mouth, tongue flopping out of her mouth as she let out a deep sigh, a few final pants escaping her chest. Then, she was well and fully spent, drenched in Maxwell and her own fluids, and smiling with utter content.

Looking down on Maxwell, she smirked. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but a yawn caught her by surprise. She opened her mouth wide, raising an arm and arching her back. Her whole body shook as she worked out the stretch, slowly tapering off into stillness. With that, she smacked her lips and without another word, lifted up from Maxwell's cock. It flopped out from her drenched pussy, falling to the side as the kobold crawled up onto his chest.

She lowered herself down on top of him, crossing her arms and laying her head down upon them. With one last yawn, she exhaled, her breaths quickly becoming deep and steady. She'd fallen asleep right on top of him, curled into an adorable ball.

Maxwell watched her slumber for a moment before he sighed, looking up at the ceiling. When the day had started, he hadn't expected to be sleeping under a kobold, let alone one that had just ravished him so thoroughly. By the way the kobolds in the square had been talking, it seemed like they had every intention to overthrow the world of man.

He wondered what a future like that would be. It seemed almost alien, but a strange part of him felt at peace.

He looked to the cute little lizard napping on top of him, and a small smile curled on his lips. Even if she was his master now, it felt right to be underneath her. In the throes of their passion, she'd told him that the age of man was over and the age of kobolds was nigh.

It certainly seemed the way, the way things had been going. But still, he felt mostly at peace. Laying there with his master on top of him, it felt like his old worries were gone and buried. All was right with the world.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:23 UTC
Views: 196