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Basic Terms:
System - A term for anyone who has DID/OSDD1/UDD/PDID.
Subsystem - A term for a smaller system inside of a system.
Plural - A term for anyone with multiple conciousnesses in one brain.
Alter - A term for the different personalities in a system. Not everyone likes this term, so its best to ask each system which they prefer.
Headmate - Another term for different personalities in a system. This term is getting more popular but you should still ask a system's prefered terms.
Part - Another term for different personalities in a system.
Multiple Personalities - Comes from the old name for DID, "Multiple Personalities Disorder", most do not like the connotations this term uses, but some systems still use this term to refer to headmates.
Age - Technically not a sys term, but important to know. In systems, some alters identify or present as older or younger than the body. While some alters are mentally younger than the body, body age is more important than alter age when it comes to older alters. Ex. A 24 year old alter in a 16 year old body is still a minor when it comes to things that matter.
Little - An alter that is between the ages of 2-10. Little is also a term used for age regression though, so other terms are used frequently for this.
Syskid - An alter that is between the ages of 2-10. An alternate to little since little is associated with age regression.
Middle - An alter that is between the ages of 10-13.
Teen - An alter that is between the ages of 13-18.
Adult - An alter that is over the age of 18. Technically can go to any age, but many systems use another term when an alter gets to a certain age.
Elder - An alter that is considered an elderly figure. The age considered an elder depends on the system, but is typically over 50 or 60.
Immortal - An alter that is of any age that is imposible to reach bodily.
Ageless - An alter that has no age. May have a specific mental age though.
Age Slider - An alter whos age changes
Age Constant - An alter whose age stays the same no matter what.
Alter Origin:
Brainmade - An alter who was not formed or influenced by external forces.
Introject - An alter who was formed or influenced by external forces. Ex. An alter named Percy who is "based on" Percy Jackson.
Fictive - An introject specifcally formed from fictional media, like Percy Jackson, Amity from the Owl House, etc.
Multifictive - A fictive formed from multiple different places, this can happen with any type of introject though, not just fictives.
Factive - An introject formed from a real person. Keep in mind these alters do not think they are the real person, and only formed based off of them.
Fizztive -
Source Positive
Source Neutral
Source Negative
Source Seperation
Brainmade Heavy
Fictive Heavy
-Diff types of protectors
-Diff types of holders
Pub: 24 Sep 2023 03:23 UTC
Edit: 07 Apr 2024 02:11 UTC
Views: 175