The Possibility of Budding
Hikari: “The two of you traveling. May I sit with you? These girls are tired of swimming.”
Koyomi: “It’s fine right, Giovanni?”
Xue: “Come on, sit next to us.”
Xue: “Where did you come from?”
Hikari: “You see, we hit an iceberg and our ship sank.”
Lilja: Hey, Ramo. Who is the young man in Hikari's role......?
Ramona: He's blurred out in the script, but he's a tutor hired by a wealthy man. He was on a cruise ship crossing the Pacific with his student......
Lilja: Understood. There's no need to say more. It’s a sad story.
Ramona: But although the young man is sad, he tries to be cheerful. He has to keep smiling even when he's sad.
Hikari: “Look, that light is a sign from heaven.”
Hikari: “These are the stars I looked up at from the window at night.”
Hikari: “Now, let's sing as usual.”
Hikari: ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.'
Koyomi: ......!
Ramona: He overcomes his sadness and tries to be a good teacher until the end. That is Hikari's role.
Lilja: ......A smile with just a hint of sadness showing through. The courage to overcome even death, beautiful.
Ramona: Yeah. Moreover, he must leave an impression in his short appearance. It's completely different from the image.
Ramona: Still, it's been completed beautifully. So much so that even the main characters were eclipsed.
Director: It's good. Hikari, you've revealed your true colors.
Hikari: Wow......! Thank you!
Hikari: Thank you very much!
Hikari: W-Was it that good!? Ramo-san! Lilja-san!
Lilja: Yeah. I can't make that expression. Regrettable.
Ramona: It was like I could feel the devotion of the young man.
Ramona: Oh, and of course Xue and Koyomi were great as well.
Xue: Don't praise us like it's rout.
Xue: You should say something too, Koyomi-san.
Koyomi: .......
Xue: How long are you going to be basking in the afterglow? Today is over.
Koyomi: ......Yeah, you're right. I'm off to get ready to go home.
Hikari: Hehe! Everyone praised me! I grow by being praised! Growth period!
Xue: It's just a coincidence that you got into it so well. Don't let your guard down.
Lilja: Xue's frustration is proof of her praise.
Xue: Don't say unnecessary things, Finland!
Xue: ......Shit. She ate me.
Ramona: Good for you, Hikari. You have experience or something, don't you?
Hikari: Yeah, I had a similar experience.
Hikari: A long time ago, my father's fishing boat broke down offshore. The radio was broken, and on top of that, we were hit by a storm that wasn't in the forecast.
Hikari: I was anxious waiting for my father's return......
Hikari: I was afraid he wouldn't come back......
Lilja: You must have been scared.
Hikari: Yes, I was. But you know, my mother was laughing like she was totally fine. She said that he would come home with a carefree look on her face and that nothing would happen to him.
Hikari: I'm sure my mom was really anxious too, but she was laughing. She was smiling at me, so I wasn't scared.
Ramona: I see, so you put your mother's feelings on top of the young man's.
Ramona: The feeling of trying not to scare the children is the same…...
Xue: That experience is alive in the play…...
Hikari: This is how art can help you!
Hikari: Thanks to what Xue said before! Thank you!
Xue: ......Well, anything that gets through to the audience is good.
Xue: Don't let your guard down in the show. I'm going to be serious.
Hikari: Of course! Xue is the star of the show, so it’ll be a great performance!
Koyomi: .......
Koyomi: (For Hikari-san's
Koyomi: (The growth has been spectacular.)
Koyomi: (For that one moment, I forgot my role. I wish that had been the real show......)
Koyomi: (Ah......again......)
Koyomi: (I've been dizzy longer than usual. Strange, I'm sure I took my medicine......)
Koyomi: Ah.......
Iroha: Mmm.......Onee-chan, are you home? I heard a loud noise, but-eh!?
Iroha: Onee-chan! What's wrong? Pull yourself together! Onee-chan!
Iroha: Onee-chaaan!