Endogenic systems
Before you read this;
I would like to mention that the purpose of creating this page was not to attack anyone,
regardless of their origin or diagnose(s).
I created this page as a source for information & facts about Endogenic plurality.
I also want to mention this is from my own study as a hobby, almost a hyperfixation. Therefor the links on this page are not directly quoted and written into a text as the text would be very long. I'm also aware no one would read it.
The links on this page which lead to social media posts are not meant to attack
or call anyone out for anything they have written. The links are for people who wish to know more
about the person who wrote it and/or more about what the person wrote.
do not support attacking individuals, regardless of their beliefs, thoughts or system origin.
This page shall not be used against traumagenic plurality, or as a reason to attack traumagenic systems,
as it was not the purpose of creating this page.
Endogenic heaven
What are they (different explainations)
Arguments that Endogenics do exist
Sources, facts
- "debunking sysmeds" (carrd)
- Endogenic research
- Kinhost
- Tiktok | presenting facts
- System study | mentioning not forming from trauma
- Endogenic studies | "system" is not a medical term
- carrd
- Tumblr, screenshots, explainations from resources
Quotes from anti-endos & traumagenic systems
"You have come into my inbox and, like all your other Endo friends, told me my suffering was nothing. Because that’s what the existence of Endos means."
Sysmatic advice on tumblr
It may seem like the existance of endos are a way to make fun of your sufforing, but it's important to understand that there are Endogenics whom also suffer.
Not every endogenic system is looking to harm your community, I'm sure most people understand
that this is a serious disorder, and do not want to self diagnose themselfves.
I believe people who claim to be Endogenic are just trying to understand their own experience.
As Endogenic means that your system wasn't formed by trauma, this doesn't mean that Endogenic systems haven't gone through trauma. It just isnt the cause of their plurality.
It can be very confusing and hard to know if you have trauma, especially since it is known that people who are plural may also have Amnesia.
"Endogenic systems also tend to perpetuate a lot of harmful misinformation and stigma"
It is important to note that Endogenic systems don't claim to have DID/OSDD, nor do they try to make fun of people for having trauma, as that would not make sence.
People are not emotionless, we all feel sympathy. Endogenics are not 'spreading missinformation',
they are using terms that work for them.
Endogenics funktion different compared to Traumagenic systems.
It has seemed Endogenics have for a long time tried to seperate themselves from the traumagenic community as possible.
Now, moving onto this:
"further demonising certain roles (persecutors being inherently bad, for example), spouting beliefs that are impossible (alter death, sys-hopping, etc.)"
why endos are bad | Carrd
Endogenics do not "Demonize" roles. Although, they may experience roles differently.
It's Imortant to understand that Endogenics are not trying to copy the characteristics of DID/OSDD,
they are simply trying to express how they feel.
There is no reason to attack anyone for something they experience,
especially when It comes to rumors going around on the internet.
There is a lot of missinformation and unreliable sources.
Websites used to argue against Endogenic plurality.
From what I've seen, the website referred to the most when proving that plurality can
only be caused by trauma is the website DIDR. I've studied this website
and figured that the person whom wrote this page based their info on a few sources,
as well as a study on 6 individuals with DID.
So far, I have not seen any website which mentions anything about plurality, or dissacociative disorders, being exlucive to people with traumatic experiences in any other website than this (which focuses on DID).
People seem think that DID is the only diagnose which can cause plurality, even though DID is often be mentioned together with other, similar diagnoses, Such as OSDD, DDNOS & P-DID.
People who are so called "singlets" (people who ate not part of a system) often connect plurality with DID. This is most likely due to people who have a dissociative diagnose (including: OSDD, P-DID etc) finding it easier to explain their experience by saying they have DID, as it is the most well-known Dissociative disorder.
Not many people seem to think too much about the fact OSDD is a different diagnose DID, although they have similar symptoms and are both dissociative disorders, they are still two different disorders.
Many people may search for DID when searching for information about personality splitting / plurality.
The research Katherine Reuben preformed was on 6 individuals with DID.
Reuben does not go into study of OSDD.
Let me explain, before you accuse me for saying the website displays false information,
what I am saying is not that the author is spreading false information.
However, the people using this as a source for proving that plurality can only be caused by trauma, is wrong.
The research shows for DID, meanwhile I cannot find anything about trauma being necessary for any other dissasociative diagnose.
Not to mention that the author is a member of studies for Trauma & dissasociation,
meaning they focus on the trauma related disorders.
This is also the only website I've found that says it is completely impossible to be diagnosed with DID without trauma. Other websites mention its most common for it to be formed from trauma, not necessarily that it isn't possible for a system to be formed without it.