She's on the floor, legs together sitting neatly. Her expression blank and her eyes unfocused. She's awaiting your judgement in silent acceptance.
You take another bite out of the plate of lasagna, chewing slowly with deliberate movement. You spit it on, directly in front of her.
You smash the plate atop of her head; splattered lasagna, broken shards of ceramic and blood falling around her.
You crouch; your index and middle finger grabbing one cheek and your thumb the other. You press so hard that you can feel the mandible and her flesh starts bruising.
She remains calm and emotionless, even if a stream of blood was cascading down her face.
"Why don't you cry anymore Kronii?" You violently shake her face, her pursed lips shut tight.
"Don't you love me anymore." You lightly slap her with your free hand.
"Cry for me just once, and maybe I'll forgive you." You let go, lowering your face.
At first you think she's going to continue her stoic facade, then her face scrunches then her lips start quivering and the tears start falling. She's covering her eyes with the back of her arms.
Your hands are behind her back, your press her closer to you.
"It's fine, don't cry Kronii. I'll always love you. No matter how much you messed up." You whisper into her ear, reassuring.
She loved you and you loved her.
Nothing would ever change that.

Pub: 28 Sep 2021 01:51 UTC
Views: 288