not going 2 be typing much because i dont wanna say much due to personal reasons but
here r my silly friends (?)

zack hihi even though we do not talk much, i consider you a v close friend !! i hope we can laugh together on hyperbeam soon <3 ilysm!!/p youre so silly but yet u can be serious too, and if u ever wanna talk to someone, i'm here always. also ur so fucking gay BYE HELPPP

sirius can i just say that i love you so much/p you're always so comforting, and even though i look like i don't appericiate your words, i really do. i'm really grateful for them. you're so cool like what the fuck?? goofball. anywyas, i'm so glad you're my best friend bro. literally

ena oh my god hi sister laufhinf emoji - i jsut rlly love you so so much/p and i believe you'll grow to be the most amazing person i've ever seen. even though you're older than me in source, who the fuck cares? you're my younger sibling and i'll always be there to listen or protect you!!/gen

juuzou hi you hairball laughs - anyways have i ever told you you are so cool i want to faint/j ok but legit, u are literally my mother figure (Actually nvm. ur my sister i've never had) ok but still ure a parent figure to me and u are so Oh my god. i hope ur story goes well & shit, ilysm/p

ell i have the right to remind you how u were during ur tr phase bro. ur bitchass was all alpha n shit (its not like u dont do the same now but) and tbh, it was rlly funny HLP.. the way i even roleplayed w u ironically was funny too LMAOO,, anyways!!! i alpha you bro./j

bun u are so goofy i love ur autistic eyes/j anwyays, even though we dont talk muhc i will protectyou with my whoel life bro. and i hope ur proud of me because i'm satyrting to get into whatever ure into uhmm is it that eve artist I DONT KNOW OK HELP??? ily very muhc./p

gyara hi robloxer help !! anyways u are so :thubs up: i want to squish u dude. ur jokes r always funny, like that one... headless joke UMMM lets not talk ab that but yeah!! love you/p

toya boy its you wtf... anyways i know we met recently but i just want u to know that i'm always here 4 u, and i do care ab how you're doing, etc. tbh i consider you one of my best friends, even though we may not know that much ab eachother - i believe we'll somehow grow closer w how our friendship has came out so far, ily bro/p

final conclusion, u all r so comforting to me i want to GSUHJJKGSN. i am so glad@$#@#$$
if u wnna be added here just tell me, i hv no problem w doing so but i might remove you if we
dont end up interacting for godssake lmao, or i'll just end up adding u here if we
grow closer at some point yeah


Pub: 17 Jul 2022 08:24 UTC
Edit: 04 Aug 2022 13:24 UTC
Views: 364