mobage4k rentry
main rentry here
- Tooru, Ten or Hinode. I'm 17, 日本人 & Filipino. I speak En/Jp/Tag
- Use only Shi/Hir if we aren't friends. Friends can use any pronoun on me.
- Introject of Ten Murakumo, Hinode, Shouta Kisa (& More)
- Don't use tone tags on me. Ask if ya wanna frq. Pings are OK.
- Comms here, I do reqs sometimes.
- rentry/art reqs in Neospring
- rentry/art reqs in Neospring
- dnf/refrain interaction if ya like Renga Nishizono from 18Trip & Wataru Hibiki from Ensemble Stars. I'm a non-sharing & posessive fangirl. ^_^
- I block everyone I see with a profile that includes Renga. Wether it be pfp, header, or username.
- Please stop takin' so much inspo off of me. I see so many people practically copyin' my style an' sayin' things like "Don't Copy!" Like... OK.
- My only F2U gradient maps are tha ones I upload. Don't try ta recreate 'em either. I'll kill all of you one day.
- Pings are OK. Friend RQs are OK as long as ya don't fit tha criteria above.
- Tag me if ya need Resources of Fonts from somethin' I made. (No guarantee I'll give it.)
Do Not ask me 'omg what character is this' On my posts I will Cry (<-not serious)