a guide to ajaxs insta acc

hello i am ajax or aj or cas etc. im a silly little guy (any prns he they preferred) and i post a lot of (mostly) satire shit. im just here to be strange and odd. i have the bpd and adhd so yeah
yeah almost evrrything on my acc is that cat. my pfp my highlights the first slide of every post. its a running joke im sorry.
my acc is like semi irl semi kinsta—i tagpost my buddies sometimes but overall i just post what i want

emoji guide
unfortunately i do the kinstagram "takutoez reacted __ to ur message" thing. heres a code to what emoji means what:
🦶: old main, a joke i swear i dont actually like feet
🍺 : new main, just the normal yes haha thats funny
🍻 : aww thanks thats so kind of u (get it cus theres 2 beers)
♟: PREPARE FOR RAMBLE — usually when talking abt my interests
💬 : ajax was not fond of that.
🗯️ : WOAAAH!! WHHAAAATTT!!!!!! i am excited.

heres some links : main rentry, spotify, insta, secondary insta, easy 2 read rentry, url hoard
buddies i post abt a lot : jay, cody, emma, rebekah, leon etc. i @ via to torture him often

i post abt densmore a TON. for context he is my quizbowl coach and the best man alive. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DENSMORE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU!! yaaay. thank yiu. and many moore...not as many as.

Pub: 03 Jul 2023 12:08 UTC
Edit: 17 Oct 2023 21:17 UTC
Views: 134