i have a small typing quirk, that replaces s with z. i mostly only do it for fun tho. and i sometimes use it but not in serious situations. i say slurs but ofc only the ones i can reclaim, i do jokingly call my friends slurs but if ur uncomfy i wont ! i also talk abt nsfw topics sometimes but again if ur uncomfy i wont do it near u, from mistreatment as a kid i do get super flustered and i dont know how to act in situations where someone that they care for me or that they like me. i am super sarcastic so if i say something stupid theres a high chance im joking. i have bad memory and sometimes i take the names or a bit of the personalities of my old friends i liked alot so i dont forget them
go back?

Pub: 19 Dec 2022 01:27 UTC
Edit: 08 Jan 2023 08:04 UTC
Views: 209