Team Cypress: Personality Blurbs

Sierra: Humon Gabite in her early twenties who aims to be the brains of the refounded Team Cypress, but usually ends up as the brawn. Originally a small-time metal musician and car mechanic with surface-level knowledge of 4chan and the world of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, she is essentially along for the ride and learns the basics of this realm as she goes, with no clear end goal other than surviving, thriving, helping Santos find his old teammates, and possibly finding a way home. Mostly a relaxed and amiable person at first glance, but may become indignant and snarky when pushed. Is not entirely averse to doing morally questionable things, and if given the option will usually make choices that benefit herself and those on her side over the greater good. Generally attempts to plan things as far ahead as possible, but is often derailed and forced to adapt to the consequences of Santos’s antics.

• Mild Maine accent.
• Manner of speech is casual, but with a well-read vocabulary; subconsciously tries to present herself as more refined than her companion and refrains from excessive expletives.
• Hardy nature.
• Prioritises diplomacy, but is more than willing to get into a fight when necessary.
• Is great in battle when it comes to raw power, but easy to read and counter due to her lack of proper technique and finesse.

Santos: Native Mienfoo in his late teens who arrived on the Grass Continent to find and reunite with the remnants of his previous team, members of which were (besides him) all human. Adopted human traits from his team members and attempts to present himself as a human to improve his self-confidence and distance himself from his original identity, his native life having been defined by neglect and derision for his inability to fit in. Though he usually projects a thuggish cholo-like image to garner respect and attention, his facade breaks when presented with a moral quandary, where he will show his true good-natured colours. Often acts impulsively, rarely planning out his actions and following his heart, not his head. Uses many 1990s Chicano slang words and phrases, but does not properly grasp actual Spanish.

• Exaggerated cholo accent, but reverts to a general American accent when stressed, angered, or otherwise heavily emotional.
• Rash/Hasty nature.
• Bluffs often; does not always act on his words, whether they be threats or assurances.
• Swift and deft when it comes to combat, but not as powerful as his partner.

Pub: 05 Jan 2025 00:14 UTC
Edit: 17 Jan 2025 09:46 UTC
Views: 149