The abyssal forest was as beautiful as it was deadly. Large insects, deadly flaura and mutated hunters that now hold claim to the forest itself. As the group walked deeper into it, their eyes moved from one tree to another, expecting an ambush at any second.

"Well, where is this 'Tear of Aurelia'?" Questioned Kim, her spear gripped within her armored claw. Her words were the only sound apart from the crushing of soil and clacking of armor that echoed throughout the deep, dark forest.

"Should be close now. Keep on your guard." Came Sunny's stoic, yet sharp words. His eye was like that of a feline. Able to see in the dark easily. One of his many blessings from his god. Basil was behind Aubrey yet in front of Kim. His talisman in hand, holding it close to his heart as he chanted miracles and prayers. The darkness of this forest was ever-creeping. And... it scared him.

"Hey." A cold, metal-clad claw touched his robed shoulder. Turning his head, his eyes saw the Drake Warrior looking down at him with a gentle smile.
"Tis' just a simple forest. Not even its tribals are match for us. Have faith, my friend." The kind words caused a surge of hope to run throughout Basil's entire being. A smile soon came onto the young Cleric's lips. "T-Thank you."

As the group walked closer towards the stone of the Goddess of Restoration, they spotted something that caused them to stop dead in their tracks. Blood accompanied by bodies. Taking battle stances, the group steadily made their way further. The sound of something hitting the soil with a 'Thud' caused them to halt. Soon, footsteps were heard. Their eyes widened as they saw who was in this accursed forest with them...

"What do we have here. Seems like a band of misfits working as one." The man thought out loud as he drank the decoction he held in his left hand. As he threw away the empty vial, more veins appeared on his face, giving him a sickly look. Sunny stepped forth, weapon drawn.
"Who art thou?"

The man remained unfazed. "I'm a Witcher. Heard there were rare plants and monsters here. Decided to do a bit of gathering."
"B-But this forest is dangerous! It's roots flow with unholy energy. T-This place is not for the faint of heart." Stummered Basil upon hearing the man's words. The Witcher let out a scoff. "I care not of the dangers. I need materials for my potions, nothing more."

"Say, have thou sighted a stone that glowed a fiery orange?" Asked Aubrey, her berserker sword in her armor-clad palms. Raising a brow, the Witcher reached into his satchel and pulled out said stone. The group's eyes widened as one.

"That's the stone we've been searching for!" Kim exclaimed, her grip on her spear tightening. Her gaze was met by the Witcher's own.
"I have no use for it. Was going to sell it for price at the market, however you lot seem to be wanting it more."

"Will thau give it to us?" Asked Sunny, his katana now sheathed. Cat-like eyes now laned upon the onyx-haired samurai.
"What are you willing to pay for it?" Exchanging glances, the group searched through their pockets. In Sunny's palm, rested a sack of gold.
"Five thousand in gold. Will this be enough?" The Witcher pondered on the price. A drop of sweat ran down the side of Sunny' face. He heard of Witchers and he did NOT want to fight one. The Witcher threw the stone at Sunny's feet. In response, Sunny tossed the sack of gold coins at the Witcher, who caught it. Aubrey swiped the stone from the dirt, giving it a quick glance as she did. As the Witcher was about to walk off, a screech rang throughout the area. The group froze, heads spinning around as to locate the source of the noise. play the song

"There." Said the Witcher, body pointed towards North. Out from the darkness, a horrid monster appeared. It looked like a human, only much taller, lankier in form as well as rotting. Its body was covered in glowing dark blue roots that pulsed with the forest's energy. Its eyes were black voids and it held a rust-covered battle axe. The body itself now home to larvae and butterflies that swarmed the dead figure. The monster let out another roar before charging, swinging the axe wildly as it did.

The Witcher rolled out of the way of the axe swings. The Manticore medallion humming the closer he got to the abomination. Swinging at its leg, the Silver blade cleaved through the roots, making a glowing teal liquid seep from them. The monster let out a groan as it staggered. It swung blindly, managing to hit Aubrey as it did. Her body tossed into a tree, breaking it in the process. Her armor saved her but took a massive hit as it was dented.

Basil ran up to her, casting rejuvenating miracles as she laid in the debris. Kim and Sunny rushed the monster. Sunny using his Red Hands dark arts to hold the monster's axe in place. Seeing the opportunity, Kim let out a mighty breath of fire. It scorched the monster, catching it on fire due to it being overgrown with roots. Now on fire, the monster was in a frenzy. It attacked blindly, forcing Kim and Sunny to dodge.

A bomb hit the beast in the head, the particles of dust spreading in the air. Looking towards the Witcher, Sunny saw that he threw the bomb. Looking back towards the monster, they saw it slow down. The moon dust bomb causing the magical roots to flicker as their power was snuffed out. Aubrey grit her teeth as rage took over. Gripping her sword and digging her fist into the soil, the berserker got into a position before leaping high into the air. With a furious roar, the berserker crashed into the monster, the power of her leap causing it to fall onto its back. The group watched as Aubrey slammed her sword into the monster's head. Blood, bone, roots and teal sap flying in every direction with each strike. Blinded by her fury, she kept at it. Stabbing and punching the monster until its flayed carcass laid unmoving.

Once the pink-haired knight calmed down, she sat against a tree, sword stabbed into the ground. Sunny saw the Witcher walk away from the corner of his eye. However before he could, the Witcher stopped at Sunny's words. "Would thau want to join us?" Turning to face the samurai, the Witcher shook his head. "I work alone, always have." Nodding, Sunny went back to tending to Aubrey as the man walked away, the forest's darkness obscuring him from their vision.
"Oh, you are back. With the stone no less. Did ye run into any problem?"
Looking from left to right, the group let out a collective. "No. We did have help though."
Hero's brow rose at this. "Help? From whom, if I may ask."
"A Witcher."

Pub: 19 May 2022 08:04 UTC
Views: 511