Snapchat Is Fighting to Legalize Taking a Selfie While Voting

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This primary season, you’ve probably liked a lot of awesome “I Voted” sticker selfies. But if Snapchat has its way, pretty soon you’re going to be seeing some selfies of people literally voting.
Snapchat filed an amicus brief in New Hampshire Friday — joining the ACLU in its fight to allow people to take “ballot selfies.”
In September 2014, New Hampshire passed a law that made sharing a photo of a marked ballot punishable by a fine of up to $1,000. Although a federal judge overturned the ruling in August 2015, the decision is still in appeals, which is why Snapchat is adding its voice to the fight.
In Snapchat’s legal brief, the app’s lawyers say, “A ballot selfie — like a campaign button — is a way to express support for or against a cause or a candidate. And because it is tangible proof of how a voter has voted, a ballot selfie is a uniquely powerful form of political expression. It proves that the voter’s stated political convictions are not just idle talk.”
Snapchat continues that not only should “ballot selfies” be protected by the First Amendment, but they are also appealing to “younger voters who have historically low turnout rates.”
According to CNN, Snapchat has received thousands of the voting selfies from across the country — unfortunately those Snapchatters might not know they’ve been breaking the law.
In California, Snapchat’s home state, taking a camera into a voting booth is prohibited. In Pennsylvania, a picture of a ballot or voting machine indicating how you voted is punishable by up to a year in jail. Multiple other states have similar laws, as well.
Snapchat’s already changed the way we communicate — let’s see if it changes the way we vote, too.-

Pub: 18 Sep 2023 07:45 UTC
Views: 45