terraria guide I love you

⠀using this as a blog of sorts :) check out my directory here for more though! (not a hoard, I don't hoard urls!) starting with the basics: my name is vy + I am currently 26 years old. I am autistic and an infp. I can get very tired very quickly and I'm prone to heat exhasution. today, I'm ill, so there's not much I can do at the moment. I did a little bit of work regarding media as I like to keep my knowledge fresh even if I don't manage to go into media. I'm trying to sort through my rentry urls, as there's a few I haven't used. I recently gifted a lot of them to someone who I know will as of last week! so far, he hasn't used any of them, but he also hasn't been msking rentrys in general, so that's probably him just being busy in general.

⠀update :) ok so rentry also got a massive update?? I haven't used it yet but it looks pretty simple + I'm a fast learner when it comes to 'coding' so this would hopefully be good!! I need to start sorting out all my urls. also the guy who I gifted all the urls too has already done one of them using the new markdown feature on .co/memelous! that's super cool. I still like memeulous obviously, he's literally my celebrity crush and I've been viewing his content since I was 16 in 2014, but I just feel I have some odd parasocial connection to him because of that (I know, cringe) and I don't want to make one of him as I sorta see him as a friend...? that's probably super odd of me loool, so ignore that.

Pub: 07 May 2024 15:33 UTC
Edit: 26 Oct 2024 18:48 UTC
Views: 58