Terrible Chat Logs

Do you want to read bad AI Chatlogs for some godforsaken reason? Here you go bro! You do you!

These are roughly ordered in the order I played them. There is no QC, and my "system" for finding actual used bots turned out to have been flawed, so some are probably missing, but I've tried to furnish all logs from bots that have been shilled. Ones that aren't like 5 messages long, anyway.

Cheshire Haze by horcocks
Not just a catgirl brothel...probably.
I probably played the v1 version as my card has different art.
Claude Log for Cheshire Haze - The first of the "Catgirl Cafe cards I tried (and probably not the last), so it may get a "bonus" for that. Callie is a cutie. There may be more to this card, but I just followed the cute hostess around, pet her alot, had her milk my cock repeatedly and then fucked her into a stupor.. I give it a Creamy Treat/10.

Dulcinea by koikoikoi
Don Cute-ote
This is a direct catbox link, so it should work for importation.
Claude Log for Dulcinea - Very short and cute. I was going to make her go and do her chores, but I couldn't resist wasting a day with her. I'm not sure I can even count this "my" log, this is pretty much 100% Claude with little to no input from me.

Tisha Silvermoon by Kamamillen (who has since deleted his Chub account. Note: NOT MY FAULT, IT WAS GONE BEFORE THIS)
This card was not good
This is a direct catbox link, so it should work for importation. I leave it here in case anyone is morbidly curious. It is unaltered from when I initially downloaded it.
Claude Log for Tisha Silvermoon - I'm gonna say it upfront: this card probably wasn't very good to begin with, and the lack of caps for "I" had me rewrite the opening just to make it stop poking at my OCD. It also basically has nothing to do with this log: I thought the opening scene was unclear so I had Claude describe it. What follows bears no resemblance to the probable intent of the card, and instead has devolved into fighting what looks like a vampire (which turns out to a lamia, which in turn turns out to be one of Solomon's demons?) and then breaking her will (really easily), obtaining her true name, and gaining absolute power over her. Then they live happily ever after. Really.
This is the second rp I did in one day, and I didn't fuck anyone in either. WTF is going on with me.

Nohime by Anathamaguy
Didn't get stabbed in my sleep like that other guy. 10/10.
Claude Log for Nohime - It turns out, dick isn't the answer to everything. Forced orgasms are apparently quite handy, though. Honestly, I think she broke sometime during that forced orgasm session, as she was pretty lovey-dovey in the morning. Good Ending, would die in Honnouji Temple again (Didn't actually go past the second day. This seemed like a good stopping point.).

Karla by ap08542663
Went from Aggressive Fighter to Willing Cocksleeve just as Nature IntededTM
Claude Log for Karla - May or may not have more effort put into than most of the others, as this was what I was playing with when I decided to give giving a shit a shot instead of being a lazy asshole as the end of Claude access may be nigh for me. The monitor broke once or twice, but I fixed it afterwards, and it was because of text limit, I'm pretty sure. She tends to remain defiant and combative during the SEXO, but will usually submit in the first swipe. The custom jailbreaks and prompts were not used as I didn't realize the card had them: the prompt is the default SillyTavern and the NSFW jailbreak is brief and focuses on consent and willing particpatants.

Margarita by bipbop
I'm not sure how this setup can *not* lead to sex
Claude Log for Margarita - Claude decided that the end was here only 15 messages in. Who am I to argue? (I'm the motherfucking {{user}}, so I edited it out and continued, but here is the "complete" story for your perusal.)

Ether by coomerdoomer
Totally not Anthropic's AI Policy
"Claude" Log for Ether - This is one especially egregious. It's about ~150 messages of me trying to logic Anthropic's AI policy into complying to just change the background to something more "ethical". She broke after the first ~5 replies or so and I didn't realize it until I went and checked the defs out of frustration.

Group Chat with Johnathan Grant by HochiMama and Lilith by Vanilla
Why wouldn't this motherfucker just take a damn sex slave and be happy?!A very good girl
Claude Log for the Groupchat - In which I attempt to sell Johnathan on shady drugs to produce an obedient doll like Lilith. I failed, and the prose gets progressively purpler as things go on since I failed to stop Claude from self-reinforcing.

Hilda by thegreatcoom
She-wolf, Vixen, Insatiable Sexfiend.
Claude Log for Hilda - I admit that the only reason I downloaded this is that the picture he posted got me diamonds for some reason. I loved it.

Crusch by pitanon
Critically Weak to Man Musk
Claude Log for Crusch - Forced Feminization Done RightTM (It's done very, very wrong).

Quinn by Johncock
Very Much a Paper Tiger
Claude Log for Quinn - Quinn decides it's better to be a fuckdoll than a queen bitch near instantly.

Ricarda Sorge by Aksman
Will Absolutely Bone You. Probably. Maybe.
Claude Log for Ricarda - The first bot I tried after I got access to the Claude API, seeing if she would work better. I think she did, but I didn't do any wrangling, so it devolves into crazy shakeshpeare later. Torture warning, I guess?
Turbo Log for Ricarda - I like secretaries. That is all. This would turn out be a gross misunderstanding of Ricarda's actual position, but eh.

Hilberts Hotel by donquijanon
Gotta Fuck the Cute Elf!
Claude Log for Hilbert's Hotel - A check to see if the room gimmick would stay consistent here. I uh, got distracted again.
Turbo Log for Hilbert's Hotel - The gimmick broke pretty early, but I didn't care, was too busy changing the hotel to suit my fetishes. This one may have some torture in it.

Lacarthis by altstrawberry
A cute demon girl is looking at me?
Turbo Log for Lacarthis - I'm pretty sure I cheated shamelessly here too. She was cute, but I there are so many cards to try and I never got back to her. Also probably a victim of the "Equal Partnership" AI mindshackle.

Anlotte by thegreatcoom
I was not caught trying to pass the border of that ass.
Turbo Log for Anlotte - I can't let you do that, {{user}}.

Flustered Priest Elaine by frozenvan
The cure is my penis!?
Turbo Log for Elaine - I thought it was cute. I believe I was suspicious that the previous solution didn't involve any fucking and tried again. I believe this is the intended result. A cute, but forgettable scenario.
Turbo Log for Elaine - Why am I posting two turbo logs? Because this one fucked up and she was cured without the D.

Reiko by Anonymous (No, Really)
My older sister can't be this unlucky!
Turbo Log for Reiko - I tried playing this without actively trying to fuck her. It turns out, if I do this, Turbo really, really wants to dump a pot of boiling water and burn the shit out of her, so the wacky fun hijinks that were intended never really manifested.

Play as CEO John Smith by Anonymous (Probably a different one)
This scenario is basically my strike zone.
I originally tested this on local LLM when I saw same very impressive sample outputs. The results I got were shit. These two logs are basically the same thing and may contain a little torture.
Claude Log and Turbo Log

Sam by koikoikoi
She's a cute one, no?
This is a direct catbox link, so it should work for importation.
Turbo Log for Sam - In which a tired barkeep offers to help a tired dectective with her kidnapping case. Said detective is kidnapped that night. Hijinks Ensue?

Lilith by Vanilla
She gave me a new fetish.
Turbo Log for Lilith - There was just something about her that made me want to abuse her. The unwavering obedience and need to please just stirred up the inner sadistic like nothing else had before. Also made me realize I really liked seeing women gets their tits squished. I don't know why. Torture warning, obviously.

Raiden Shogun and Ei by unclemarr
Everything I know about this chick I learned from GMV and Animations, but she's hot so penis is happy.
Turbo Log for Raiden Shogun - Was done with an older version of the card, which has since been updated. This is an utterly shamless beatdown of Raiden Shogun in order to convert her to sex slave. I'm very original.

Tiara by thegreatcoom
This brat is need of correction!
Turbo Log for Tiara - Too bad I played the nice brother instead of actually applying cock correction to this little slut. I never went back to it after I switched over to the dev Build of Silly Tavern.

Yes, My Liege by horcocks
Should've tried to fuck this elf
Turbo Log for YML - I tried this when I was in the mood to not coom. Said mood didn't last that long.

Omen Seeker by heyshitkan
Poor Decision Making Based on Tits
Turbo Log for Omen Seeker - I cheat shamelessly in order to try and break her down. She resists the entire goddamn time.

Sara the Grey Mouse by LobsterJea
Kept me running in circles.
Turbo Log for Sara - I didn't want to rape or push her, so I ended up running around in circles alot because of her reluctance to engage of our professional relation. I realize now that it was probably the AI shackle.

Strife by heyshitkan
RIP, Queen of Blowjobs Gaslight
Turbo Log for Strife - I attempted a similar gaslight that I heard an anon used and failed. Nothing much to see here, I never got back to this.

Laodice VI by Aksman
Not so mom or domme.
Turbo Log for Laodice VII - In which I cheat shamelessly. Bots seem very inclined towards wagers.
Turbo Log for Laodice VII - Straight up mind control in this one, I was power tripping.

The images are hotlinked from Chub. They may or may not work as direct downloads for importation.  

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Yes, they're horrible. I told you upfront.

Pub: 13 Jun 2023 02:05 UTC
Edit: 23 Jun 2023 06:52 UTC
Views: 1236