Originally written by Jed (https://twitter.com/tsdjed). Contribute to this document on GitHub.
For questions regarding the overall community, please ask in Modern Tetris Organizing.
Calling this game "Tetris" and its consequences: https://blog.osk.sh/post.php?p=643dbb578e1ba3.57021842
- Modern Mino Community (MMC) - https://discord.gg/nndXDXRQJh
- Hard Drop (HD) - https://discord.gg/harddrop
- PuyoTet World (PTW - Puyo Puyo Tetris Community) - https://discord.gg/puyopuyotetris
- Tetris Effect: Connected Official Discord (Enhance) - https://discord.gg/enhance
- TETR․IO Discord - https://discord.gg/tetrio
- Jstris Discord - https://discord.gg/RcNFCZC
Main hub for Event Organizing in the Tetris Community: Modern Tetris Organizing
1. I'm new, where do I start playing tournaments?
- TETR․IO Amateur Weeklies (TAWS) - https://discord.gg/aHtFMvsABn
- Underdogs Cup (UC - Major for new people) - https://discord.gg/EnJTb8f
2. Where the good people play/Open tournaments for everybody:
- Hummingbird Nest (HN - Pro Weeklies and Major) - https://discord.gg/gHsPdCPjga
- Modern Mino Community (MMC - Major - TETR․IO Journey, Sakura Blend, more) - https://discord.gg/nndXDXRQJh
- Puzzle Kingdom (PK - Major - TETR․IO Journey, Sakura Blend, more) - https://discord.gg/47AhNAs25M
- Team TSD (Major - TETR․IO Cup, Jstris Cup) - https://discord.gg/XHywYgb
- WORLD PUZZLE LEAGUE (WPL - Yearly WPL Championship LAN in Columbus. August 11-13, 2023) - https://discord.gg/EdsedPxzGh
- MODERN TETRIS SHOWDOWN (MTS - East Coast LAN event in Philadelphia. July 08, 2023) - https://discord.gg/dggyNXhYG3
- XENO TETRIS (NY LAN events held ~monthly in NYC) - https://discord.gg/3rU3KKyuTW
- SPANISH (Tetris Moderno Latinoamérica / TML / a portal for local communities in Latin America): https://discord.gg/j2bF8Kpj2V
- PORTUGUESE (PuyoTetris Brasil): https://discord.gg/kz3MgWQe76
- KOREAN (TETRISER): https://discord.gg/6sK7h4TsEf
- MANDARIN (TRADITIONAL) (Thinking Tetris 思考方塊研究服群): https://discord.gg/S5J8DK6
- JAPANESE (Tetrio同好会 / Tetrio_jp): https://discord.gg/NVkv9FasT4
- FRENCH (Carré Tetris): https://discord.gg/kp5vRyV
- THAI (Tetris Thailand): https://discord.gg/GKTucJ5RtK
- VIETNAMESE (Tetris Việt Nam): https://discord.gg/jX7BX9g
- Tetris Effect: Connected (Largest speed limited client in the game, cross-platform): https://discord.gg/enhance
- TETR․IO (Largest client in the game, largest uncapped speed/no delay based client, free): https://discord.gg/tetrio
Jstris (Minimal client, uncapped speed/no delay, free): https://discord.gg/RcNFCZC
- Jstris Plus (extending Jstris with matchmaking, customization, better practice modes and a lot more!): Greasy Fork Chrome Extension FireFox Extension
- Nuketris (Minimal client, speed limited, free): https://discord.gg/NUSgpfT5eH
- World Wide Combos (Minimal client, both speed limited and uncapped, free): https://discord.gg/wwc
- Amemiya (World No. 5 for Slow Tetris players. Largest Content Creator in the world for Tetris. All in Japanese): https://youtube.com/@inazuma0217tai1
- Blaarg (World No. 3 Fast Tetris Player): https://twitch.tv/blaargmallcop
- Caboozled_Pie (Founder of Underdogs Cup, Top 10 in the World for Fast Tetris, Largest only-tetris Streamer): https://twitch.tv/caboozled
- Doremy (No.1 European Tetris Player, Largest Western Modern Tetris Streamer): https://twitch.tv/doremy
- Hard Drop (Blink streams, events sometimes): https://twitch.tv/harddrop
- Promo (Top 10 in the World for Fast Tetris): https://twitch.tv/promooooooo
- Puzzle Kingdom (Largest Event Streamer, Event streams): https://twitch.tv/puzzlekingdom
- Team TSD (Largest YouTube Channel for Tournament videos, Event streams): https://twitch.tv/teamtsd
- Wumbo (Largest American Tetris YouTuber): https://twitch.tv/wumbotize
- Amemiya (あめみやたいよう): (Top Slow Tetris player. Largest Content Creator in the world for Tetris. All in Japanese): https://youtube.com/@inazuma0217tai1
- AddTagHere (English content, guides, and history. PPT focused): https://www.youtube.com/@AddTagHere
- Doremy (No.1 European Tetris Player, Largest Western Modern Tetris YouTuber): https://youtube.com/@Doremy
- ICLY (Diao) (World No. 2 Fast Tetris Player): https://youtube.com/@Diaoo
- Fesh (Smolfeesh) (World No.1 Ultra player. English content, guides): https://youtube.com/@fesh
- Garbo (Founder of four.wide, English content and guides. Retired from Tetris): https://www.youtube.com/@GarboTetris
- Jhinta (Founder of Tetris Peru, Largest Spanish Tetris YouTuber): https://www.youtube.com/@JhintaTetris
- KezDaBez (No. 1 Australian Tetris Player, Documentaries): https://youtube.com/@KezDaBez
- Orz guides: https://www.youtube.com/@orztetris
- PokeDialga (Founder of Thinking Tetris, Artist): https://www.youtube.com/@PokeDialga
- Puzzle Kingdom (Tournament VODs and Events): https://youtube.com/@PuzzleKingdom
- Team TSD (Largest Tetris Tournament YouTube Channel): https://youtube.com/@TeamTSD
- Wumbo (Largest American Tetris YouTuber): https://youtube.com/@Wumbotize
- FOUR.LOL (modern and concise documentation on basic and advanced techniques): https://four.lol/
- Hard Drop Wiki (contains even more information): https://harddrop.com/wiki/Tetris_Wiki
- Fourtris (app for practicing locally with undo, draw, board screenshot input, and much more): https://github.com/fiorescarlatto/four-tris
- Tetris Downstack Puzzle - Challenge (contains practice scenarios for varius downstack situations): https://himitsuconfidential.github.io/downstack-practice/
- Tetris T-Spin Puzzle - Challenge (contains practice scenearios for creating T-Spin and Tetrises, similar to twowi.de puzzle rush): https://himitsuconfidential.github.io/downstack-practice/tspin-challenge.html
- Fumen Tools (online and a bit more simple 'animation' tool to draw and practice) - https://harddrop.com/fumen/
- Ztrix (Similar to the above tools, has specific things for Tetris Effect practice) - https://ztrix-game.web.app/
- Tetresse (client to practice finesse): https://tetresse.harddrop.com/
- Blockfish (it knows how to downstack and might teach you a thing or two)
- watch infinite cheese race - https://autofish.tali.software/
- client (blockfish cheese coach) - https://github.com/blockfish/blockfish/releases
- run repository - https://jstris.jezevec10.com/u/blockfish
- blockfish jstris and fumen analyzer bots found in - https://discord.gg/ePwmKjK46x
- PC Tools
- PC finder - https://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7588
- Wirelyre web PC finder and api - https://wirelyre.github.io/tetra-tools/pc-solver.html
- Jstris Usermodes
- send 120 attack while surviving apm - https://jstris.jezevec10.com/?play=9&mode=2145
- tetris only stacking practice - https://jstris.jezevec10.com/?play=9&mode=1699
- 60 apm and 120 apm survival - https://jstris.jezevec10.com/?play=9&mode=163, https://jstris.jezevec10.com/?play=9&mode=165
- Jstris Plus
- replay fumen translator in-game and with api https://fumen.tstman.net/
- PCmode replay PC-finder with wirelyre's pc finder
- replay timestamp to game feature with snapshots
- practice mode fumen export and import
- 4-Wide Trainer https://ddrkirby.com/games/4-wide-trainer/4-wide-trainer.html