The Pain Killer

The wind howled atop the building as a lone figure, folding an umbrella, stepped up to the edge of the roof. The noise of fighting and unnatural screams echoed up from the square below and a group of armed people hastened past the building. Three monstrous, humanoid demons in close pursuit. Low static hummed from the figure’s earpiece until she touched it.

“This is Kii. I’m in position. Administering painkiller.”

Then she took another step over the edge. She raced downward several stories, the umbrella in her hand dissolving into shadows as she fell.
And with a sick thud her body hit the ground right beside the demons. There was no heroic landing, just the sound of breaking bones and squelching flesh.

Even the demons were surprised and seemed almost shocked as they stopped in their tracks, their disfigured faces whipping around towards the gruesome sight. And something glared back. Within the stirring dust and bloody mess a red glinting eye as an arm untwisted and a hand gripped against the ground. One of the demons shook.

“W-what is thi-... Urgh!” The demon bellowed as for a second it almost seemed to shrink in size as blood started pouring from its wide eyes and aghast maw, before with a final push its body flattened against the ground into an indiscernible pulp of its former self.
All the while more and more of Kii regenerated and she pushed her upper body from the ground.

One of the other demons broke out of its confusion and charged her, swinging its oversized claws to rend her asunder once more.
But then Kii looked at him, the blood streaming over her other eye pulling back up as though it was flowing backwards into a closing wound. It opened, ablaze in golden light, just when the attack swiped past her. And not Kii, but the demon itself fell into several pieces seemingly sliced by large claws.

For the last demon it was hard to recover from the scene it had just witnessed, so it started fleeing. Something was different, even for this hellish creature it could feel the cold gaze of the human linger, gripping on to its very being, even now not letting go. They are not letting go.
The demon found itself slipping on the blood of its comrades, falling into a panicked stumble… impaling itself on its own sword. One last breath escaped its ashen lungs, freedom in death.

Kii was still kneeling the small crater her impact had created as a girl of the group that had previously run past the building quickly approached her. A newer member of the demon hunter club.
“Are you alright?” She asked, reaching out a hand to help her up.

Kii blinked and as she did the colors of her golden and red eye seemed to be flowing into each other and taking on a more subdued, almost orange shade, like the sun during dusk.
She just stared for an uncomfortably long time, because for some reason this situation brought her back to another moment long ago, reminding her of someone who saved her and hugged her tightly, but was now gone.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Kii finally responded and, rather than taking the offered hand, got up by herself, before shaking some dust off her clothes and checking if her body was alright after the fall. “I’m used to this.”

“...Oh, okay.” the young demon huntress said, lowering her hand awkwardly, before making her way back to the rest of her group that stood by, waiting. She waved Kii goodbye with a thankful smile and so did Kii, although more like this gesture was expected of her rather than actually feeling that way.

“B-chan.” Kii held out her hand and the darkness around her pooled together into an umbrella that she unfolded above her head. “Do you think things will ever go back to the way they were?”
A pair of shadow arms wrapped around her over her shoulders, before slowly sliding down her body.
“Silly, silly Kii~ You should know by now that everything only ever moves forward. And if we do not keep up our butts will be left in the dust.” A distant echoey voice purred into her ear. “And talking about butts and moving them… I can’t wait.~”

“You are right.” Kii’s gaze wandered over the slain demons one last time. “All we can do is take the pain away.”
And with those words a multitude of arms shot from the shade the umbrella was casting over her and swallowed her up.

Pub: 20 May 2023 15:58 UTC
Views: 244