Kokona Diary Entry

Dear... all? Is that how you start this sort of thing? No matter how many times I do this, I can't get used to it, it's kinda embarrassing.

The winter weather in Tokyo is quite cold. How is the weather over there? I'm guessing it's cold as well. Before I moved to the city, winter was always full of snow, so I was surprised to see that it doesn't snow much in Tokyo. Even though shovelling snow every morning was a big hassle, it does sadden me that I don't get to experience that here.

Have you guys seen that photo that I sent? Ah! It's alright if you haven't seen it! Although my friend took the photo, it's a bit embarassing since it's just me in the shot. Ehehe.

Question. Where am I right now? Can you guess?

The photo is a hint. As for other hints... Theres the candied sweet potatoes sold at "Koushin"? The fmaous Kaminari okoshi sold at the gift store, "Tokiwado", and the latest craze, yakidango at "Kikuya"! The sweetness and the softness of the anko is just the greatest~. And taking a walk and having lunch at a bench in Sumida Park, it's enough to beat the cold in this cold winter months! Ah, I just realised the hints were all about food. So... pray for my weight loss? I'll work hard!

Oh right, did you figure out the answer to the question? The answer is Asakusa. The photo was taken on Nakamise Street.

Ehehe, isn't it a great place? Really makes you want to do some sight-seeing. But it's not just about the sight-seeing, it's also the street for theater. There are over 100 theatres there! The 6th district Broadway are full of stories from the past, and nearby there's a retro store that's selling vintage Daistar bromides!

And you know what's also there? Sirius!

I can already hear you say "I already knew that". But Sirius is special to me so I feel the need to mention it everytime. It's where all my friends are, all aiming to become a Daistar. And that makes me so happy.

Oh right, speaking of Sirius, there's the troupe ace, Yae-chan! The other day, while I was in the middle of a walk, I heard from one of the elderly ladies that tanuki and kitsune were a popular conversation topic in Asakusa. Since these creatures are able to transform themselves, they're quite beloved by theatre actors it seems. Like this one time, Sasuga-chan said "How about I try putting a leaf on her head for good luck?". And then Yae-chan started imitating a tanuki. That was super cute! That made me into a bigger Yae-chan fan than ever. It's a shame I couldn't show this to you all!

Speaking of cute things.... Just thinking about this is making me grin. I tried doing matching outfits with Kathrina-chan. Do you guys know what that is? Right now in Asakusa, it seems like cute kimonos are the buzz. They've got all these frills and laces! Doesn't that seem like it would suit Kathrina-chan? When I invited her, she said "I have no interest in matching outfits, but this is a good opportunity to learn about Asakusa culture.". For her to stare so intensely at the shop window, she must've been very interested, ahaha. I really wanted to show off this photo of us together with the matching outfits. I got a really cute photo you know!? But Kathrina-chan said "Absolutely not, that's an infringement on my image.". Kathrina-chan, why must you be so strict...... I really respect you as well...... What a shame......

Ah, I've written so much already. It's so much fun recalling memories that I've lost track of time.
But it's not I came to Tokyo just to play.

It was my childhood dream to do tons of plays in the big city. Like, there is the acting aspect in Sirius, but also there's interviews and filming work which is more serious and professioanl. I don't have my mum around to help with chores in the dorm, I have to study for schoo as well. There's a lot of work that need to be done.

So I do get worn out and I do get depressed whenever things go wrong.

But you know, in times like those, with everyone at Sirius, I feel a sudden surge of power surging through me.

Kathrina-chan is always serious about work and everyday life, Yae-chan has a lot that she can teach me. Panda-chan and Sasuga-chan is always making me laugh, Hiiragi-san is always always conveying how much she thinks about us. And Shizuka-chan is always right beside me.

I really love everyone. With that kind of Sirius around, I can get do my best.

No, that's not it. I think it makes me enjoy theatre performing to the fullest. Because when I'm having fun, it gives me confidence for the performance. Shizuka-chan is always like "Aren't you having too much fun?" For her to worry like that... Maybe I am having too much fun which is worrying...

But, I really do have fun. Because if you're having fun to the fullest while performing, it can be conveyed to the viewers too. It's like a relay of fun. That's why I think it's OK to have fun while performing with Sirius!

Oh right, speaking of fun... Ah, I really am writing too much. I really want to write more, but I need to get some sleep. Sleep is important for a anyone who's aiming to become a respected Daistar.

You know, theres a Sirius performance coming up. It would be great... if you could come watch. So please look forward to it? And I hope that you can convey your enjoyment of the play to me. I'll be waiting for your relay of excitement.

And with that, Goodnight. I'm going to go to sleep.

Ah. But you might not be reading this at night, right? Good morning! Good afernoon! Welcome back! Ehehe, Hopefully that should cover all my bases?

But, the greeting I really want to same is "Welcome!".

I look forward to the day where we can meet on the stage.

Pub: 03 Mar 2024 23:18 UTC
Edit: 03 Mar 2024 23:20 UTC
Views: 162