They had never seen a woman move like that. They had not known Alkandra like I had; not the nation, nor the city, but the flesh of Alkandi herself. And as they watched with slack jaws and wet crotches, the realization dawned in their eyes. They were not the masters of this land. They were obsolete. And when Adrianna had proclaimed that the child Trenok put into her womb would be my daughter, the matriarchs realized that I had stepped over them all. My little Sherok would rule them all.

"It’s serendipitous, I guess." Adrianna chuckled, "That your scheme would be the solution to Yavara’s."

I laughed with her as we watched the table being set. The head of the table was reserved for Adrianna, and the other hybrids filled in their side of it, while the other side was filled with the matriarchs, only the foot of the table had been left empty. I was to be their leader, and speak on behalf of their interests. Only, I wasn’t very interested in their interests, and truth be told, the only reason I wasn’t arguing for having them all murdered was because it would be much more satisfying to have them grovel.

"How do you want to do it?" I asked.

Adrianna tilted her head in thought, a smile creasing her lips. "They’re aware now that things are going to be different, and they’re afraid of losing their power. If we try to implement policy that strips their control, they will leave the table and entrench themselves with their clans. So, we promise them more power, and in so doing, they freely give everything."


"It’s a trick King Tiadoa used to use in the Noble Court," she explained. "If you have a baron who is working against your interests, and you want to get rid of him, what do you do? Kill him? No, that would cause terrible upheaval and put assassins in your bedroom. Strip his lands? That could cause a rebellion. No, what you do, is make him a count. See, a count is one step above a baron, and the life goal of any noble is to climb the ladder. The aspiring baron will jump at the chance to be named a count, and so you make him the count of some northern mining province where the mine has run dry. Now the only power he has is his precious title, and he’s grateful that you gave it to him."

I snorted. "There’s still a little imperial in you yet, Adrianna."

"Remember, both Alkandi and Yavara were high-elves once. When Alkandi died, it was her pure-blood daughters who raised arms with war chieftains and tore Alkandra to pieces." She patted her belly, "Let’s hope Sherok takes after me, huh?"


Certiok and I charmed and flattered the matriarchs, though I didn’t think we needed to. They were so intimidated by me that they leapt at my every word. Still, it was good to make them think they were important. We gave them each titles and power that would (on paper) grant them all-encompassing authority over the entire populace. Only, each of their positions reported directly to one of the hybrids, making the new noble ladies of Alkandra nothing more than glorified administrators. But they would get nice seats at the new stadium, and could walk around town and bully members of rival clans with impunity, and in the end, that was all they really wanted. They ceded their power to us with big smiles on their faces, and signed the dotted line.

From there, I handed the reigns to our Population Director. Brianna collected census information from each of the matriarchs, and began assigning quarters to the populace. No tower would have a majority of one clan in it, and each floor would have a mix of all clans. The justification to the matriarchs was a glib explanation of making sure things were "fair." We could only house a tenth of the population as it was, so an equal amount from each tribe would do. The rest would make camp in the forest until all the towers were done.

Faltia then requested that each matriarch contribute four-hundred tribespeople to the city watch. Before the meeting, Faltia had told me she would want to draft them herself, but I explained the importance of optics. The matriarchs would think they were exerting their control by drafting their own people, but in reality, all anyone would see was the matriarchs willingly giving their citizens over to the watch. The same tactic was used with Alexa when she said she needed six-hundred from each clan for her construction crews and two-hundred each for maintenance, as well for Kiera when she said she needed three-hundred from each for crop distribution. Eva needed fifty each for her outreach projects, Soraya needed any literate orc they had, and Brianna needed one-hundred each for monitoring population behaviors. The matriarchs agreed easily to all of this, up until the point that Furia made her request.

"No," Nerok Kraklari said, shaking her head, "I will not have one of my citizens stand trial and be sentenced by a magistrate from the Silktari clan."

"Nor I from the Kraklair clan!" Uniok snarled back. There was a chorus of growling agreements.

Furia held out her hands amicably, "A panel then? One magistrate from each clan to vote on the cases."

"Just so that the Balktar, Waldaki and Hetaki can vote against one of mine?" Lopi Huftraki exclaimed, "I won’t have it!"

Furia shrugged. "Then you’ll all be judged by Ardeni orcs."

Even Certiok hated that idea. Furia waited out the yelling storm with crossed arms, then put her hand on the table. The simple action silenced the quarreling matriarchs. She paused for a moment, then said, "A panel of the Ten will be present at each court. If one of the magistrates is suspected of corruption or unfairness, then I will be notified of it. If upon reviewing the notice, I find that there is evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, then that magistrate will be drawn and quartered in the stadium the following day. Does anyone object to these terms?"

There was no objection. Furia smiled sweetly, and sat back down.

"There is one thing," Certiok said. "What laws will the magistrate be basing their ruling off of? There is no formal law in Alkandra."

It took five hours to hash out the laws for Alkandra, which was strange, since there weren’t very many. In the Highlands, the lawbook was volumes thick, but the Alkandran doctrine was three sheets of paper. All drugs were legal, prostitution was legal (though pimping was not), gambling was legal, even murder was legal if done in a duel. Theft was illegal and punished by varying degrees of beating, extortion was illegal and punished by hand removal, rape was illegal and punished by castration. I found that last law odd, considering how much of Alkandra had been built on rape. None of the hybrids had willingly accepted their fate, even if they hadn’t been forced as I had, and every orc village had a rape pit. Hell, Yavara herself wouldn’t be the Dark Queen if she hadn’t landed in Brock’s merciless grasp that fateful night. I postulated that this law would’ve been different if the chieftains themselves were at the negotiating table.

What had caused five hours of contentious debate was the subject of slavery. In Ardeni Dreus, the orc workers had been subjected to indentured servitude, which was slavery in all but name, and they were staunch opponents of any form of forced labor. Conversely, the tribespeople thought slavery was just a fact of life. Tribes fought each other, and the losers became slaves. In their minds, it was fair. I was only able to convince Certiok and the others to drop slavery by getting Soraya to explain the economic ramifications of it. If the skilled Ardeni workers occupied the majority of the important construction jobs, and the nymphs tended the fields, and the slaves took all the manual labor jobs, then where would that leave the tribespeople? Destitute and unemployed, soon to become the lowest class of a nation they’d founded. After that, they agreed.

When we were done, the sun had set, and everyone was rubbing their eyes. Certiok escorted the matriarchs out of the castle, and we all stood in ceremonial respect and waved after them. Soraya collected the documents she’d scribbled on, and went to her office in the back of the castle to make copies.

"Need help?" Eva asked her.

Soraya turned over her shoulder, and eyed us all. "I could use a few extra hands." She assessed the hybrids at the table, "Pick an interesting combination." Then she strolled off.

Eva grinned, then sung "eeny-meeny-miny-moe," and picked Alexa and Brianna. The three of them giggled as they made their way to the back of the castle, Alexa getting on her knees halfway through so that Brianna could ride her like a mule. Kiera looked at Faltia with an inviting smile, and Furia came up behind Kiera and planted a kiss atop her head.

"Has anyone made a proper woman out of you yet, Kiera?" She asked.

Kiera bit her lip on a smile, "No, but I’m not sure you’re the dick for the job. I need to be able to walk tomorrow."

"Oh, I can be very gentle," Furia whispered, and reached into Kiera’s neckline to grasp one breast, her fingers pinching and rolling the nipple. That was all the persuasion Kiera needed. Faltia grinned excitedly, and took her hermaphrodite partners by their hands.

Furia turned as they were walking away, "Adrianna, are you coming?"

"Get started without me." I said, "I’ve got to see someone off."


The sky was mauve over the Great Forest, the last twinkle of the sun burning an arc on the horizon. The woodlands surrounding the fields were lit with thousands of campfires, and the torches were like fireflies between the campsites. The towers looked like jack-o-lanterns with their windows spewing light out onto the street, where revelers frolicked, fought and fucked in equal abundance. It was organized anarchy, and there had been no attempt to make it anything else. While chaos roamed in the street, the watchmen sat idly, only interfering if someone had become an unwilling participant in it. Adrianna understood Alkandra for what it was.

"You would’ve beaten me if I was still Thomas Adarian." She said beside me. She’d stood there for a while, neither of us speaking. "I was stronger then, but not nearly as quick or agile, and my strength would’ve counted for little against you."

"I still lost."

"Does it matter anymore?"

I looked down at the mother of my child. "Since the first day I could walk, I’ve been training to become the chieftain of the Terdini. It was preordained by my ancestors. I was to be the continuation of a line that extended long before the first Alkandra. When Dad became Froktora, it seemed like the culmination of that destiny. I would beat him in a duel, inherit his mantle, and the Terdini would finally take our places where we belonged." I put my hand on her belly, my fingers spanning her entire torso, "I thought I would raise a son like myself, and one day he would challenge and defeat me, and the great cycle would continue. But it will not be so. I will have a daughter who bares none of my likeness, who will not even be of my race, and no matter what son I put into Certiok, this elf of my blood will be his better."

"Yes." She said, putting her small hand over mine.

"We thought we had brought the tribes to their pinnacle when Dad became Froktora. Castle Thorum had been taken, Thomas Adarian had been captured, and the full might of the Great Forest and the Tundra had been united under the Dark Queen. It felt like destiny that night when we passed around your kitsune and saw the horror in your imperial eyes. How could we know that it was but the beginning of the end for us? That at our precipice, and at your lowest, the things had already passed that would reverse our fates?"


"Zander indeed." I chuckled, "I guess when you live as long as he has, it’s very easy to see the patterns of people, and set them like chess pieces upon a board. Even Yavara is but the queen to his king."

"He chose me to be the Head-ranger ten years ago."

"And he befriended my father when he was still a boy."

"Do you think he anticipated this very conversation?"

I mused upon the idea with a smile. "Perhaps. I think it’s more likely that he plays a thousand games on a thousand boards, and in each one, he is one step ahead."

"You’re very eloquent for a Terdini brute. I wonder if our daughter will be a poet?"

I looked into her blue eyes, and sighed. "I wish I could hate you."

She smiled coyly. "I get that a lot."

I snorted, and slid my hand up her breast, along her neck, and cupped her cheek. She rested her head easily into my palm, staring up at me with unfettered admiration. She was like Yavara, a woman who could love without shackles. If I wasn’t careful, I’d be ensnared in that love. It was dangerous for someone like me, whose heart could only belong to one. I pulled my hand away, and she smiled ruefully.

"We could’ve tried." She said.

"It would have ended in blood."

"I am ageless now. My life is destined to end in blood. If your horde is defeated in the Tundra, it will be all our destinies."

I regarded her for a moment, studying her face. Her features relaxed into a frown, and her eyes set in worry. "Trenok, I can tell you’re deciding not to say something." She stepped forward, and put her hand on my forearm, "Trenok, is the Highland army walking to its doom?"

I nodded. "Titus has already killed their high command and delayed their advance for a week at least, and by that time, they will be forced to fight on a battlefield of our choosing. The new generals will follow a predictable battle pattern, and we will bait him with an all-out attack. Much like our duel today, we will throw them the axe, then smash into them. Only, they will not have the foresight to wear unstrapped armor beneath their cloaks. They will grab the axe thinking us disarmed, and never see us coming until it’s too late. With their backs to the marshlands, it will be a slaughter."

"And then what?" She whispered.

"We’ve placed the Ten and their sons at the vanguard of suicide formations. With them dead, and a decisive victory under his belt, the horde will belong to the Froktora in totality, and Dad would never disobey Yavara. From there, it’s up to her." I looked out at the narrow urban strip, and sighed. "Whatever she chooses, it will matter little for this place. For a thousand years since the fall of Alkandra, the orcs have been masters of the Midlands, and what have we achieved? Nothing. Now we have been conquered as assuredly as if the imperials had done it themselves, and our time is done. Now, it is the age of dark-elves and hybrids; your age, may daughter’s age. Long after my bones are dust, and the Terdini name has been forgotten, you and she will still walk the earth." I watched Certiok appear from the street, and ascend the steps. I smiled to her, and she smiled back. I turned to Adrianna, "You will know our destiny, Adrianna. As for me, I have no destiny anymore." I grinned at her, "I am free."

And I rushed down the steps, and took Certiok into my arms.


The air smelled of sex. The orcs in the forest and those in the towers were raucous with their lovemaking. The women outnumbered the men nearly three to one, and I guessed by the morning there would be no virgin males of age. I could look into the past for ten thousand years, but I could not see the future. Even so, it was easy to foresee the trouble that would occur in nine-months’ time. The women would give birth, and their warrior husbands would unwittingly embrace a babe that was not theirs. It was an unspoken casualty of war, but it was perhaps the most impactful. Warrior males were bred through the generations to be the peak of orc physicality, and when a great tribal war happened, and all the warrior males were gone, their wives were left with only those deemed too weak or too old to fight. And so, those birthmothers of great warriors would eventually succumb to the opportunists of the tribes, and the next generation would be feeble and unhealthy. It was not a concern I would ever have to deal with, for my children were by my design only.

I walked through the dark fields, and listened to the sweet sound of my sons and daughters making love. The female nymphs were the dominant partners of the pairing, as was natural in my opinion, and guided their brothers through their individual perverse tastes. Some of my daughters enjoyed being on top, some enjoyed being on their backs, some enjoyed sensual love making, and others enjoyed rigorous coupling. There were some who wanted to draw out the experience, and performed with their mouths and hands, while others were eager to be penetrated as soon as they could be. Some even enjoyed it more in their anus, which was an odd quirk. I certainly enjoyed it there, but my body was half succubus, and I enjoyed every flavor of lust. Why it was that the Good Mother above decided that we should garner pleasure from our waste hole was a mystery to me. Ah, but the design of life was best left a mystery. I had dabbled in design, and the results had been disastrous. Across the sea where my distant cousin Passion tended her forest, the nymphs procreated without guidance, and the corruption had never tainted their bodies.

My train of thought was interrupted. I heard weeping. I unfurled my wings, beat the air, and flew across the field. Rose was sitting by herself at the riverbank. She was covered in her brothers’ nectar, and her holes were yawning and abused. She’d taken so many. She had her hand in the earth, and was trying to sing to the seed, but the seed would not hear her, and every passing note from her song only made her voice hoarser with grief.

"Rose?" I said, stepping behind her.

She screamed, threw the seed into the river, and folded on herself, her back heaving with sobs. "What’s wrong with me?!"

"Hush, Rose." I whispered, collecting her in my arms, "There’s nothing wrong with you, child. You just have an illness, but it will pass."

"I can’t stop!" She blubbered, curling into my embrace, "I need more and more, but it’s never enough! I can’t even hear the trees anymore! I should’ve left with Crystal!"

"No, no, no!" I pleaded with her, "Do not say such things! I cannot lose both of you!"

"I’m already lost!"

"No," I whispered into her blonde hair, folding my wings over the both of us, closing us off from the world. I pulled her to my breast, fumbling to fit my nipple into her mouth. She sucked from me desperately, her muzzle working in fervor to pull my milk into her, and I cooed comforting words into her ears, singing songs of sunlit trees, of dandelions in the clearings, of mushrooms blooming in the hollows. She calmed in my arms, but the teeming of her flesh did no cease. Oh, how many of her brothers had she lain with? And none could satisfy her?

"Mother," she said, parting from my breast, "fuck me."

She brought her lips to mine, her mouth white with my milk, and we came together in a kiss. She did not kiss me with the tender love a daughter should express, but with a rapaciousness, a starvation of sexuality that put me in a trance. Yes, it was wonderful to feel such delights, but not from her! Her little hands squeezed my breasts, secreting milk from my nodes, and her slender thighs opened around my robust legs, laying limb over limb until our slits pressed, and our pearls rubbed together. I groaned into her mouth as our clits engorged with blood and sensation, our petals leaking to lubricate the sensuality of our motions. I could feel her thoughts in my mind, such confusion, such desire, such fear. I knew what she wanted. Holding her supple glutes in my hand, I spread her, and snaked my tail through her crack.

Tease me. Her thoughts beckoned, and so I did, running my thin tail back and forth between her cheeks, slowly building the tension within her. When she was whimpering in my mouth, the tip of my tail divided in two, and one slithered down her taint as the other snaked around her anus. I penetrated both her holes at once, and she plastered against me, her nubile form conforming curve-to-curve, her toned abdomen molding into my puffy belly, her modest breasts squishing into my large bust. My invasion was gradual and deep, stretching her slowly so that she only felt the pleasure. My tails tenderly squeezed the thin membrane that divided her, and she mewled whorishly for me, beckoning me to venture deeper. And so deeper I went, entering her colon, tickling her cervix, slowly teasing the aperture until it was ready to be violated, and then I invaded her womb.

I stopped. Rose was too entranced with her invasion that she did not notice that my breath had caught. My daughters’ wombs were supposed to be infertile and stale, for I was the only mother in the colony, yet here in Rose’s sanctum, I found them; eggs. Just two, yet there would be more with her cycle, and with each passing cycle, her need would become greater! But no… no, I could stem the progress. It was not too late for her! She needed to drink of my nectar, lay with my sons, and stay away from outsiders, and she would be my Rose again with time! I made love to her desperately, moving as I’d never moved before, letting her do all that she desired to me. Her pleasures had become dark. She bit and scratched and laughed when I cried out. She held me down as I violated her, and rode me like I was a mule. She made me bend over, and while I held my cheeks open with trembling fingers, she pushed her fists inside me, traversing my soft channels, her knuckles squishing into my pliant insides until she was near to her elbows, and then she thrusted into me again, and again, and again! And Good Mother help me, I begged for her by the end, blubbering in the throes of masochistic splendor, uttering such words as should never be spoken. We came over and over, and though my body was exhausted, and hers was as well, her need still compelled her, and I could not rest; she needed me. And so I endured the vilest of her pleasures that night, letting her urinate on me, then urinating on myself, cleaning the puddles of filth with my tongue, and oh, the worst it got, the harder I came, for our minds were so entwined that her perversion became mine, and I reveled in the darkness with her until it was dawn.

And there we lay, panting on the river bank, defiled and filthy. I was satisfied beyond content, but Rose still paced by the water. I watched her do it until she stumbled in exhaustion, and then I took her in my arms, and finally laid her to rest.

"I will save you, my little rose." I whispered to her, "I will find a way."


The portal in the back of the throne room flashed, and Trenok was gone.

"He said they were going to massacre the Highland army." Adrianna said quietly from behind me.

"Every warrior says they will massacre their enemy."

"I know the difference between bravado and assuredness."

"I pray that they do. Then the war will be ended swiftly, and he will return to me sooner."

"And if they invade?"

"Then the imperials will know the horror they have inflicted upon us, Head-ranger." I hissed.

Her footsteps echoed in the dark chamber until she was standing beside me. "If Yavara crushes the Highland army, and decides to invade, there will be no stopping her. But the Highlands will exact their tole. The Rift will cost ten-thousand to assail even if it’s only guarded by a regiment, and Bentius’s walls stand over a hundred feet high. By the time Yavara holds her sister’s head in the palace, half her army will have been wiped out."

"And untold numbers will have been saved from future elven oppression. There is no cost too great for that."

She was silent for a moment, and I wondered if she’d slipped away without my noticing. When I looked at her, there were tears in her blue eyes. "I never thought I was doing evil." She said softly, "Every time I went on a raid, I thought I was doing good. Not just for the Highlands, but for your people as well. Keeping the tribes in balance kept the peace between them. That was I how I rationalized it anyway, when I cut down children in their villages."

"It’s very easy to rationalize evil when you don’t even see those that you’re killing as your enemy; just a herd that need culling." I reached up, and wiped away a tear from her cheek, "Is that why you couldn’t kill the matriarchs? You saw them as people instead of animals?"

"Believe it or not, I always saw orcs as people. But I’ve killed far more people than animals." She took my fingers in her hand, "You’re cunning and ruthless, Certiok, but you’re no killer. Killing someone seems like a hell of a thing to do if you’ve never done it before, but once you’ve done it, you realize how easy it is. And once a killer puts their mind to killing, it’s hard to stop. I’m a killer. Trenok’s a killer. When that battle’s over, there will be a whole horde of killers."

"Yavara will be merciful."

"Yavara’s the greatest killer of them all." She whispered, caressing my hand with her thumb, "Certiok, if Yavara assails the Rift, I will abdicate my governorship to you."


"I won’t be a part of my homeland’s genocide, and neither will the others. I don’t know what they will do, but whatever it will be, it will be treason."

"And you think I’ll be merciful to traitors?!"

"Will you be merciful to your friends?" She asked, and held my hand against her belly.

I stared hard into her blue eyes for a long time, then broke into a laugh. "You are a devious cunt, Adrianna." My hand drifted lower, and I grinned, "And you’ll have to earn my mercy, birthmother."


Kiera’s eyes were rolled back as she rode my hips. I tangled my hands in her platinum dreadlocks, and pulled back, savoring the sight of her long neck displaying its curve, her large breasts jiggling, her soft abdomen flexing, her fat cock leaking. Her new virginity had broken beautifully around me, and the blood was still wet between our bodies, but there was no pain in her expression when she took all nine inches of me deep inside her. Now she groaned splendidly to the ceiling, her hot tight insides enveloping me in their moist embrace, beckoning my movements with the rolling squeeze of her feminine muscles. I could feel Faltia’s hand on the other side of Kiera’s membrane, our former-captain’s little digits indenting the fleshy division, massaging the underside of my cock, pressing against Kiera’s prostate.

"Oh, fuck…" She moaned splendidly to the vaulted ceiling.

Brianna watched her beloved with intense interest. She straddled Soraya’s face as Soraya was fucked by Alexa, who was in turn, being viciously sodomized by Eva. Even around the gag-ball in Alexa’s mouth, I could hear her desperate cries, nearly as masochistic as Soraya’s muffled pleas. Faltia watched her beloved being humiliated and abused by Eva, and I saw upon her face, such arousal and love. As she tenderly pushed her fist into Kierra’s tight rectum, she squatted over my foot, taking me into her pussy near to the ankle. It was an interesting sensation, her pliant wet heat encasing me like a debauched sock, but it wasn’t unpleasant for either of us; certainly not for her, whose tattooed slit was splayed wide and leaking.

"Fuck her good, Furia." Brianna hissed to me, "Put a baby in her."

"Put a baby in me…" Kierra echoed, intoxicated by my lust, and the excess of drugs that were in her system. She grabbed her cock and began to stroke in time with my thrusts, her body heaving each time our pelvises connected. Faltia took her by the chin and kissed her rapaciously over the shoulder, their tongues slipping from the seal of their mouths. Brianna was moaning louder, Alexa was screaming higher, Soraya was writhing in her chains as Eva drove their lust with powerful thrusts, her black-sheened lips peeled back in a grimace. They came in a succession of moans and cries, their bronze glistening bodies decelerating and collapsing.

Kierra’s cock began to pulse before me, her pussy began to seize around me, her rectum began to clench on Faltia. Her exerted grunts and groans could be heard from her occupied lips, and her eyes opened wide in astonishment. I dug my fingers into the delicious fat of her ass, and delivered three piercing thrusts before I couldn’t hold back anymore, and I unloaded everything into her. She broke her kiss with a cry, and she came from all her parts at once, her pussy saturating my crotch, and her cock exploding across my body, splashing my belly, breasts, and face. Faltia pulled her fist out, and all the strength seemed to be sapped from Kiera. She fell atop me, her cock still spurting between our bellies, her larger breasts pillowing against my bosom.

"Thank you." She whispered, and we kissed with love on our lips.

An hour later, I was awoken from my sleep.

"Where were you?" I groaned to Adrianna as she got into bed beside me.

"I had to see off Trenok, and talk with Certiok."

"You missed all the fun."

"I had some fun of my own."

I rolled over, and smiled sleepily at the silhouette of her face. In the darkness, I could see the sapphire glint of her eyes staring back. All around the room, I could hear the snores and whistles of the other hybrids sleeping, the occasional groan and shuffle of bodies. The royal bedroom had become our dormitory, and we’d moved all the beds in and pushed them side-by-side. An errant hand rested on my left buttock, and I knew that Faltia had rolled over in her sleep. I scooched away from her, and into the arms of my beloved. She wrapped her thigh over mine, and I grew hard enough to penetrate her. She slid me into her, and mewled contentedly against my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And with my cock buried comfortably inside her, I held her soft body against mine, and drifted into a wonderful sleep.

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Pub: 05 May 2024 22:31 UTC
Views: 735