umm you can call me whatever u want from this list ^_^
im a mlm tmasc FAGGOT who uses he/him pronouns AND also i go bu masc terms but neutral terms are ok. DDO NOT USE FEM TERMS ON ME!!! it makes me uncomfortable. vERY uncomfortable
im latino !!!!! i can only speak spanish, english (im not good at it tho) and i can understand a bit of portuguese
be patient with me pls.. im not that good at conversations, WHAT I MEAN its thta i usually change topics at conversations and im HORRIBLE at conversation in english .. i woulf love if u can correct me if i say something wrong :-)
i have a lot of interests so i tend to forget almost all of them LOL. also i have bad memory so i usually forget things easily! ! and i have a short attention span 🙏😭
i laugh at almost everything and i make a lot of jokes !! i have insensitive humor yet ill obviously not use it when we first met, ill just use it if u do it firstly just to make sure you dont feel uncomfortable
I AM SHY AT THE START yet i get comfortable with time :) i dont like to make a bad impression to new people i meet
I BEG UU TO BE FRIENDS WITH ME .. uhum ask any social on my atabook and ill try to answer as fast as i can
my interests!!! here
might update later, might not