hii!! this is my uhh oc storyline whatever the fuck u wanna call it called thats the 40s!! it's basically just a 40s sitcom and all of the characters very silly :D they all live in a neighborhood together and all the houses are like right next to each other, but most of the time they stay over at cassidy's house. (she has a pretty big house and she lives alone)

think of this as a makeshift fandompedia page for it lol

the sets:

living room. kitchen & dining. guest room 1. guest room 2. guest room 3. cassidy's room. bathroom.


cassidy milford

  • 25 years old
  • the mother and/or voice of reason of the friend group
  • uses sarcasm as humor most of the time
  • usually the one to stop dumb decisions
  • kind of a control freak

william clinton

  • 25 years old
  • classic overly flirty sitcom guy but make him a boy kisser
  • has a pet bunny (her name is rosy)
  • thinks he's charming and beloved but he's just lonely cus he doesn't know how to make relationships last
  • mama's boy. why not?

harvey nelson

  • 23 years old
  • eternal optimist
  • loves jokes and being silly
  • a hopeless romantic
  • thinks walking around with his shirt off is perfectly acceptable

virgie shirman

  • 24 years old
  • typical bubbly and somewhat dumb blonde
  • wants to be friends with everyone
  • she's certainly a special critter
  • perfume enthusiast

leroy buford

  • 27 years old
  • gay war veteran
  • says unsettling things at random times
  • aware of everything
  • wants to have children

eugene jennings

  • 23 years old
  • law school student
  • know it all but still loved
  • insecurities filtered thru intelligence
  • quotes books from like the 1800s
  • probably got bullied in high school

lucy summerfield

  • 25 years old
  • confident to the point where it turns into cockiness
  • can't really take no as an answer
  • the life of the party
  • favorite hobby = kissing women

annabelle summerfield

  • 25 years old
  • lucy's twin sister
  • always assumes the worst
  • cares about things a little too much
  • speaks her mind

johnny rockwell

  • 24 years old
  • from a country that no one's heard of
  • kinda dumb and certainly naive
  • no inherent negative qualities
  • pure as the driven snow

i love sitcoms (explodes)

Pub: 24 Sep 2023 03:23 UTC
Edit: 24 Sep 2023 03:23 UTC
Views: 111