haiii :3 [EXPLODES]

COUNT: 337
feel free to dm me & ask to
trade if we're mutuals :3
if we're not i might give some away
but don't get your hopes up Lol...
italic = not for trade

in use

cyber-Iife . reed900 . ghost-soap . shadow-01 . soapghosts . -rA9 . star-fucker . inventories . girlboyfail . war-fare . kazu-maji . nextbot . handwritten . rk-900 . CATNlP . wolfs-bane . soaptism(17)


call of duty ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ simon-riley . ghostysoap . soap-graves . cpt-ghost . sinnamon . 09soap . 09-ghost . ghost-09 . soap09 . -soap- . sergeantsoap . captain-soap . lieutenant-ghost . soap141 . 141soap . 141-ghost . ghost-141 . the-141 . mac-tavish . cod_ghosts . ghosts-cod . sergeantgaz . sgtkeegan . sgt-keegan . sergeantkeegan . operator-ghost . operatorsoap . operator-horangi . operator-konig . ghostoperator . soapoperator . konigoperator . sergeant-roach . watcher-1 . bravo-06 . kate-laswell . shadow-companies . soaproachghost . soap-roach . ghillies . bravo7-1 . gravesoperator . shadowoperator . operatorgraves . -2073521 . perpetual-fng . alpha-one . in-the-blind . ghost-graves . ghostvenom . bravo-team . los-vaqueros . exfiltration . artilleries(54)

return of the frozen player ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ seo-junho . jun-ho . returnofthefrozenplayer . rotfp . frost-queen . bringerofspring . cinderfox . limitbreaker . rahmadat . caveoftrials(10)

omniscient reader ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ sunfish-bastard . ugly-squid . ugliest-king . theugliestking . -joonghyuk . -joongdok . joong-doks . theoldestdreams . secretive-plotter(9)

watch dogs ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ WATCH_DOGS . the_fox . mindofthefox . watch-dog . watch-dogs . watch_dog . watchfox . watch_fox . the-vigilante . aiden-pearce . nyaiden . jordichin . jordi-chin . jorden . nightofthededsec . dawnofdedsec . returnofdedsec . meta-sploit . dedsecs . deathsekt . cyber-driver . new-dawn(22)

proj moon ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ enkephalins . heath-cliff . meur-sault . facethesins . 13sinners . 12sinners . thesinners . -vergilius . verdante . red-gaze . the-red-gaze . -theredgaze . meursauIt . meursaults . meurcliff . heathmeur . meurheath . heathsault . saultcliff . cliffsault . gregcliff . meurgregs . ryosh-mael . rodigors . rodgregs . rodigregs . sinner-7 . sinner-5 . sinner05 . limbus-comp . -facethesin . face-the-sin . faceyoursins . outism . 4thmatchflames . clockroach . impending-day . sun-shower . suppression(38)

like a dragon ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ like-a-dragon . kazuchan . lordofthenight . MAJlMA . kiryumeow . majimeow . hannya-man . yakuza8 . 24hourcinderellas . receive-you . baka-mitai(11)

daiya no ace ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ daiya-no-ace . diamondnoace . sawamura-eijun . eijun-sawamura . kazuya-miyuki . miyuki-kazuya . satorufuruya . miyu-sawa . sawamiyu . sawami . breakingball (11)

detroit become human ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ gavin-reed . detectivereed . modelnumber . shadesofcolour . stormynight . eden-club . meet-kamski . cross-roads . nightofthesouls . battleofdetroit . cyberlife-tower . ANDROlDS . detroit-police-department(13)

DCU ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ superbats . super-bat . kal-el . bruisewane . the-bat . princeofgotham . the-dark-knight . man-of-steel(8)

parx ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ soul-sucker . water-parx . snow-globe . plum-island . sleep-alone . 21-questions . war-crimes . little-violence . not-warriors . watchwhathappensnext . brain-wash . brain-washed . endofthewaters . intellectuaIproperty . nightsoutonearth . knightoutonearth . aknightoutonearth(17)

other ◞͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ the-endpoem . spiderman-noir . spider-man99 . spider-noirs . spider-freak . ender-man . ender-men . ender-pearl . han-yoojin . han-yoohyun . deaththewoIf . tooth-less . jin-woo. solo-leveling . phone-guy . HYPERlONS . tftb . talesfromtheborderIands . borderlandtales . border-Iands . -borderlands . harveyspecter . mikeross . -suits . law-suit . law-suits . obsessixns . zerodawn . sym-brock . spider-ghost . spiderghosts . spider-cat . bull-worth . gary-smith . jimmy-hopkins . smopkins . gut-punch . new-invention . baby-steps . charthurs . delsin-rowe . turtleducks . ashmaker(43)


brain-worms . brain-worm . aconites . wolfsbanes . monkshood . head-less . micro-phone . lock-down . next-bots . flood-escape . floodescape2 . fe2 . were-wolf . wolf-dog . woIfdog . MY-CATS . girl-fail . boy-fail . boygirlfail . adrenalinejunkie . 9-lives . catlives . water-melon . souI-eater . goobies . bath-bomb . bathbombs . dish-soap . bubble-bath . brainsoup . feral-thing . scrunkpop . gas-light . gate-keep . girI-boss . back-ground . espurresso . place-holders . changlug . cheeser . glagoons . cheeserburger . yaoi-jesus . trip-mine . cyberwarfare . fire-power . guerillawarfare . guerilla-warfare . human-intelligence . hybridwar . hyper-sonic . howitzers . directfire . indirectfire . killchain . kill-chain . land-mine . munition . munitions . manoeuvre . manoeuvres . militias . mine-field . platoons . wargames . war-head . sleeping-pills . painmeds . duesexmachina . cliff-hanger . skeletonfire . fireskeleton . head-quarters . hee-hoo . sleeper-agent . out-law . sand-box . hand-writing . spider-fang . spiderfangs . spider-fangs . fangedspider . fox-glove(83)

Pub: 12 Nov 2022 07:50 UTC
Edit: 26 Nov 2023 04:14 UTC
Views: 1946