The Sims 4 - DLC only
Links are interchangeable. Page managed by anadius (CS RIN forum) (my website)
Temporary download links for new DLCs
[SP61] Refined Living Room Kit
[SP62] Business Chic Kit
Download links from anadius
If you see this message - you don't have any adblocker installed. Download links below may use malicious ads. I'm not responsible for those ads nor for what you download from them. I recommend installing uBlock Origin, click here to open the official website!
- Qiwi
- encrypted Google Drive folder link
If GitHub is blocked in your country and this website doesn't load - use some VPN or Tor or I don't know...
Mirrors uploaded by Masquerade
Download and install JDownloader2. Then copy the link below and paste it in JDownloader. If you get an error about bad/unsupported captcha - open the link yourself, select some host from a dropdown menu and then click the "dlc" button. It will download a small file - open it in JDownloader, that should add download links from the host you selected.
If some DLC is missing - that's probably because this filehost has a size limit. If a new DLC is missing - it's probably because Masquerade haven't uploaded it yet.
Multiple hosts:
What to do with downloaded files
There are detailed instructions on my website and on CS RIN forum, just use the links at the top of this page.