before you interact | return
may be updated from time to time

i have autism, adhd, p-did, bpd, & More .... i am aware that a lot of the symptoms in these disorders carry over

i more often than not block people who share my sources so deal with That . i can understand other sys members saying theyre a fictive of the same character as me but i Will get defensive and avoid talking to someone if they do this :heart:

i have a list for my triggers & discomforts that i can give per request . if something that upsets me is brought up ill say something . my triggers and discomforts Do vary from people who know me irl and people who know me online considering people irl can actually. look at me

my parents are strict as hell nd i can lose access to the internet for periods of time. i dont have a phone or anything at the moment (im writing this on a school computer :skull:)

dont make sexual jokes directed towards me Even if were close without permission. if youve done it before and i didnt say anything Youre fine to do so but please dont just assume you can.

do not vent to me without permission! i can only help someone if i know beforehand and im in a state to do so. i often make jokes about my trauma (along with making jokes about drugs, alcohol, etc.) as a way to cope with it But if you are uncomfortable i can stop !!! ^_^ please do NOT say "im so sorry" etc to me joking about my trauma.

i like problematic media! this does not mean i support the creators in any way, but considering these things Do make me happy, i am not going to force myself to stop liking them because of something the creator did! i do understand if you dont want to interact with me because of this but please do understand that i dont support any of the actions the creators might have done

i say slurs i can reclaim , i make kys and homophobic and transphobic jokes (ex. i hate gay people! or i hate trans people!) , i can be unintentionally blunt / rude , i sometimes use tonetags but i dont Need them , i use Various typing quirks (ex. capitalizing seemingly unimportant words, typing in all lowercase, often improper grammar Etc) && i can accidentally share too much information (hello to my online friend of 3 years who has my address)

Pub: 24 Jun 2023 14:16 UTC
Edit: 05 Jun 2024 13:35 UTC
Views: 1821