"I am Jack's wasted life."

The Narrator / Sebastian / Jack He / Him Fight Club (movie, 1st book and a TINY bit from the graphic novels, unfortunately)

I haven't properly slept in 11 months (and counting), so almost everything I say will sound weird or slightly off-putting. Just pretend I make sense.

I can be a very dry texter, but I'm trying my best. Sorry.

I am 30 years old (only sometimes around 40), my life is filled with a sense of emptiness, I am mentally ill and awfully awkward. That's pretty much it.

Ask me about my old condo, or about anything, really. Please. I love to rant.

Please don't interact if you are a double. Sorry.

I promise I'll add more to this in the future (I probably won't).

Pub: 19 May 2022 00:06 UTC
Edit: 18 Jun 2024 21:03 UTC
Views: 489