The network's expiration.

I’ve been speaking to myself as the games repeat. The cycle never seems to stop, Its as if all the contestants are the same.. They leave, come back, win. Im beginning to get sick of each contestant that approaches me, and truly, i dont want to. It feels almost.. as if im forcing myself to host these repetitious shows.

The Host's descent into madness.

Typing to myself has been the only thing keeping me sane at this point, I’ve been losing a bit of my sanity as every game repeats itself.. Its pathetic, Isnt it? Hah. I'm beginning to feel that applies to my existence, too.


It seems I was correct. I’ve temporarily stopped the games, But It feels as if I’ve lost a significant piece of myself. Though, it feels strangely… freeing? I’ve begun to think of the fact I’ve always assumed I’ve been doing these “shows” for somebody else. Someone who would decide to grant me the ability to leave this wretched loop when they’re satisfied with it all. But, I was alone this whole time. Its disappointing, but opens up a ton of possibilities, too.

ooc: oh my god i canr draw shoes god help me

Walking in the building has been an experience, to say the least. The hallways that were once filled with the voices of my contestants now simply echo the sound of my footsteps. It will take a bit of getting used to, but I can manage.

Pub: 19 Feb 2023 14:34 UTC
Edit: 22 Feb 2023 10:33 UTC
Views: 115