[7 June 2023]

Hello Eve and co. I have not fully decided whether or not I am to respond fully. (◠‿◠ ). Frankly, most of it is no one's business and is simply a concern between my partner and I. Neither myself nor my partner have any reason to justify anything to anyone, as this was something that was cleared up within an hour. I am not an abusive partner, nor does Eve have any idea of how anything went down outside of messages from Pony.Town that are simply a few sentences out of an entire hour-long conversation, where my feelings are not present, nor are my partner's when we discussed these things.

Once again, that is no one's business but mine and my partner. If you want to perceive my relationship as abusive from a single instance in which not you did not receive more than eighty percent of the conversation, then okay. That's fine.

I am fully and utterly aware of the fact that what I did was wrong against both Eve and Vi. I take all accountability for that. Telling someone to slit does not warrant and/or erase the blatant ableism, intersexism, and transphobia that followed from multiple parties! I sent two sentences, and received over 800 words in return.

I will provide evidence of what I have against them, in addition to sources I can provide.

Also, my name is Michel, not Michael. It's not even pronounced the same 😭.


There are a few instances of transphobia I can attest to. Keep in mind that only one of the two individuals present in this situation is not cis. Eve, herself, is cisgender, and thus her transphobia is most rampant here.

One thing that anyone should keep in mind is that regardless of your identity, you can still be transphobic. A transwoman can be transphobic. A transman can be transphobic. A nonbinary individual can be transphobic. It does not matter.

I received a DM from an individual on Discord being actively transphobic and ableist to me, fakeclaiming my DID on no basis whatsoever. I did not know this person.

Ash and Eve fault me for assuming it was them, despite them actively telling others very niche details about me. I think it to be pretty reasonable to assume that the only parties involved would do something like that. I later found out that they told other friends of my partner, and one of said friends likely had another go out and send me that. Regardless, Ash and Eve are the reason for transphobic and ableist rhetoric being thrown at me. The message was so long that it reached the character limit on Discord, and was around ~300-500 words.
This message also contained words fakeclaiming my sleep disorder, of all things, in addition to other things about my character being mocked.

This message did not exactly bother me. I was just confused why two sentences were being met with a range of 300-500, which, by the way, is the typical length of a college entrance essay. Isn't that amusing!

Even if it was not them directly that sent forward that message, they have this to say about the situation:

Message censored due to irrelevancy, will be presented later with more context

Firstly, Eve, to claim that ableism and transphobia presented in a 2000+ character message(s) is OF THE EXACT SAME SEVERITY is actual insanity, as no where did I use a SLUR toward another individual, nor did I fakeclaim anyone's illnesses? Yes, they told me to kill myself and slit and die, but they said so in a 2000+ word message in which they also did these things I mentioned previously. No where at all is that "of the same severity".

The other individual, Ash, claims that it was not them, as they do not care about me enough, to which I believe, in all honesty. However, to turn a blind eye when it is clear that whoever they informed used TRANSPHOBIC LANGUAGE, entirely unwarranted, is extremely disgusting, especially when their trans friend is stating its discomfort with this. (Aphelios is transgender and is uncomfortable).

So yes, Eve and Ash, this does make you transphobic, regardless of your identity. You are remaining passive and dismissing transphobia. Eve, a cis person, even goes onto say this, which is despicable:

source: Eve's rentry about the situation

To even imply, as a cis person yourself, that this is in any way "using a slur they can reclaim" is absolutely disgusting. Using a slur directed at someone is NOT reclaiming it. You are utilizing it as a slur. It's fucking weird. Lol. I never said anywhere that Eve called me the T slur, by the way. That is just her proving unable to comprehend transphobia because it doesn't affect her.

More Transphobia, and some Intersexism too!

Highkey too exhausted to write this part. I just find it unbelievable that Eve, as a cis woman, is explicitly going to try and tell another individual WHAT THEY IDENTIFY AS during PRIDE MONTH. That is textbook transphobia whether you like it or not.

I, Frey, am not even transgender. This is what fucking baffles me. Because I use pronouns for my own reasons and comfort, I am being told how I identify. You are not owed my reasoning for my identity. I am quite literally not a trans man. Insisting I am is transphobia.

To be told that my identity was wrong because of the pronouns I use is extremely fucking weird. Pronouns do not equal gender. 😭 I can not even believe I need to say this. You do not even know if I am AFAB or AMAB, or what gender I even identify as. You just assume I am transgender because I have a preference for fox and ice related pronouns. 😭😭😭😭

source: Eve's rentry about the situation

Eve does not know the difference between gender and pronouns, apparently. You are not "assigned pronouns at birth". Your sex is determined based on primary sex characteristics. In some instances in intersex individuals, this assumption is very wrong, and many are identified as being perisex despite fitting qualifications for being intersex. Intersex is not inherently lgbt, and the system of AGAB (Assigned Gender at Birth) is often criticized for its exclusion of intersex people.

Many cis people deviate from the binary by their refusal to adhere to gender constructs. You forcing those gender constructs on me is transphobic. I am an individual who simply refuses to adhere to gender normalcy. Once again, you do not even know my gender, you just assume you do because of the fact that I do what makes me comfortable.

No, people irl do not use neo pronouns other than it on me. That does not make me transgender. If you even bothered to look, you'd see me state how I identify and see the fact that I do use "binary pronouns". My identity is absolutely none of your business and to force me under a label I actively do not use is really fucking ridiculous of you.

If my fucking fifty year old mother can comprehend this, then I'd think someone going into psychology that most clearly has some sort of understanding of gender dysphoria and topics such as this knows it all.

Psych students are actually a plague to society.

The Intersexism Comes In Because She Actively Tries To say That All Intersex People Are Transgender. Take a look at the following DMS.

source: insta dms with SheriffCaitlyn

Once again, during this confrontation, Eve insists that I am transgender, despite myself at the time having "MascNeu Intersex" on a link of mine.

I already explained that intersex individuals are not inherently transgender. They can be. But to generalize that "intersex is deviating from the binary" is intersexist, as it's grouped in with gender expression, which is a choice. You are actively stating all intersex people are transgender even though that's not how that fucking works lol.

But apparently you're not transphobic at all. Your best evidence to prove that I am transgender is screenshotting a google definition and stating that gender/pronouns/binary are assigned at birth when they are quite literally all social constructs. Genuinely fucking weird considering you're cis!

Whatever. I spent this entire rentry talking about your transphobia alone, because there's just that much bullshit of yours. Maybe it would've been fine if you didn't go on this little rant during pride month. 😭

8 June 2023

Hello. Welcomd back to MORE TRANSPHOBIA from a cisgender woman who thinks it's acceptable to be transphobic during Pride Month. Since you can not seem to get my name right, can you just call me Sju? Three letters. It's easy.

I am just going to link these little things they've said here and respond to them. But, Eve, this is genuine textbook transphobia. I am not sure if you can comprehend that or not, but you are actively so concerned about what is in my pants and trying to fit me under a label that I do not identify with. That is transphobia.

source: Eve's rentry Firstly, I did not change my pronouns.page because of you. I added more names and changed around the format a little because it bothered me. I removed that I am male due to the fact that I deem it highly unimportant. You do not need to know my gender. Why does it matter so much to you?

And now, here you are, trying to fakeclaim my cis-ness. When I state that I had transphobic language used against me, I stated that it was wrong being it was transphobic, regardless of whether it applies to me or not. Using transphobic language in general is wrong. Why is it so wrong for a non-trans person to say something against usage of the t slur, used with transphobic intent? Especially during Pride Month? Why is it wrong for an ally to say something against that. Lol? I am not insecure about my identity. I just do not owe you any information about it.

I am in awe how you can think that your actions aren't transphobic when they fit the literal textbook definition of transphobia. Let me show you what is listed as transphobic in the eyes of a Governing body. All images will be from this source: What Constitutes as Transphobic Bullying and Harrassment? from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Firstly, the pdf opens up with providing the obvious information⸻The use of the t slur is explicitly transphobic, especially when used against another person. Slurs can be used against an individual regardless of whether they apply to said slur. Why on earth does that make it any better? The intent is transphobic. The usage is transphobic. Slurs and derogatory terms against transgender people are not the only ways one can transphobic against another. For you to act as though you are free from "transphobia allegations" because you never said a slur is genuinely amusing to me.

[8 June 2023]

Hello there ( ◠‿◠) I had to mentally relax from yet another bit of this nonsense. Eve really thinks that she is in the right for being a transphobe. It is quite amusing. He he.

No, Eve. I never broke up with my Phel. And no, this is not your fucking business. Never once did I break up with him or do anything more than say "I'm done" while I was having an episode. Once again, you claiming I am abusive for me being upset is genuinely ridiculous. Stop it. You know nothing about me and you are actively throwing around false and vile claims because you think it's fun, in addition to being genuinely transphobic.

source: Eve's rentry

My partner came to you for comfort because I was mentally not in a good place and my partner did something to upset me during those periods of time. Why do you have to automatically assume that I "created a fucking meltdown" because I was upset too? You're genuinely fucking ridiculous. Phel itself never told you that we broke up. You are quite literally actively lying here. Here is what Phel says

I think you guys are just a little confused. Genuinely. Phel understands what you're trying to say but ultimately, you are wrong. I did not cause meltdowns. Phel just did not want me to hate him because I got upset at something it did. Why the actual fuck is this anyone's business but mine and Phel's? It's genuinely fucking disgusting and invasive that you're trying to make my relationship a public concern because you think I'm abusive because a mentally ill man came to you for comfort when vamps mentally ill partner was not mentally okay to support Phel.

Genuinely it's appalling to me. There is no abusive behaviour toward my partner. You are actively trying to fault me, Eve, for struggling with my health and not being able to support Phel during moments where I get upset. You are essentially calling me abusive for feeling things. That's literally what everyone is getting from this situation, including me. 😭 Stop fucking speaking on things you don't know about. You do not know me nor my relationship with my partner. You know nothing about how I treat Phel. So keep it out of your fucking mouth.

I am too tired to respond to the ableism and other things because I am busy today but I do want to quickly update the transphobia because Eve keeps being even more transphobic ( ◠‿◠)

More fun parts:

source: Eve's rentry

I have no respect for you after you proved that you are transphobic, so I meant calling you retard. ( ◠‿◠) I meant what I said. I'm not defending my actions. I don't give a fuck about you. But notice how I only said these things after you started being transphobic and actively ableist lol.

Also yes I was told to slit lol. And yes the message I received was much more vile than anything else.

source: That one freak who dmed me 500 words of "kys you're nothing in life etc

Is this not infinitely times worse than what I said bro 😭😭😭😭 Telling me that they hope that my illness ends up causing an aneurysm leading to my death? How is whatever the fuck this shit is too not worse. How the fuck is this not worse that two sentences saying "kys cut and die".

Also, I did get directly told to slit.

source: Dms with LegsMorrison on Instagram They also told me they hope my alters are cruel to me and cause me misery or something like that and then my little sister messed with them without my knowledge. So uhm. Stop lying I guess

I've decided to just give up because Eve is brainless and it's not worth my time, especially not when I can be spending that time with my partner.

Pub: 07 Jun 2023 09:59 UTC
Edit: 08 Jun 2023 12:20 UTC
Views: 891