easy read


SHERBETO1 O2 O3 5teen shehe . . tkn :3

ponytown specific info whisper to interact at all times! i personally do not believe in touch trigger or discomfort on a pixel pony game, however i'm not going to go out of my way to berate and harass those with tt/td in their names. you'll find me most at docks, the phighting! area, or at the south park area with my friends. you may not copy my skins, however you may take mild inspiration from them!! please do not interact with me if your only reason for interacting is because you ship your skin with my skin, ur weird. i hide very freely, if you're wondering why i have you hidden, it's probably because i found you annoying or just didn't like you. if you see me in certain fandom areas, don't assume i like those medias or am apart of the fandom! i just enjoy moving around and people watching from time to time ^_^ i am often with scout/regi/species groups! if i am in a uniform, please interact with me thru whispers only! thank u :3 feel free to sit or cuddle with me whenever!

Pub: 08 Oct 2022 18:42 UTC
Edit: 09 Jun 2023 13:10 UTC
Views: 552