
. counting down the minutes
'til i break down . . .

▒ byi . . .
my mouth is never filtered; meaning,
i cuss a lot. if you don't like that, plea
se do not interact at all. i also am ver
y straightforward with everything i s
ay and will never sugarcoat anything.

i talk a lot about my wife, and will n
ever ever shut up about her.

i am rarely active in my social media
platforms, however you are still free t
o send me a message or interact in ge

i also make kys/kms jokes. if you are
uncomfortable with those, please refr
ain from interacting.

dni . ▓ basic dni criteria.. transmeds/sysmeds.
if you will talk about my sources negatively.
syscourse, shtwt, hypocrites.
if you plan to interact negatively with my

go back?


Pub: 14 Jan 2023 15:26 UTC
Edit: 14 Jan 2023 15:28 UTC
Views: 103