I want to fucking tear you apart . . . ! nina's   byf   !!

(1) i'm an uruguayan white latino, (2) i'm dating adrien and mara ♡, (3) i sometimes tweet in spanish, (4) i deactivate often especially during episodes, (5) fixations don't usually last long & change around a lot, (6) i have osdd-1b but i dont talk about it much (7) i love samatoki more than any of u ever will (i am being completely serious) !!

nina's   dni   !! basic dni criteria & other samatoki yumes other than that; NO DNI! i'll just block if i don't like u! ALLISTICS PLEASE ASK 2 FOLLOW!


Pub: 15 Jul 2022 02:37 UTC
Edit: 28 Apr 2023 20:49 UTC
Views: 3499