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some lowercase L's are uppercase i's . copy and paste to see each url . thank you !
tally hall (including miracle musical, cojum dip, and solo/other side projects)
insidethemindofsim0n , zoobin , steIlaoctanguIa , clapifyoubelieveinthedip , yourstrulythewhaIe , cojvmdip , wlctotallyhall , suchcrazyfood , nodisrespecttotheand , wackondope , Iemonsandpears , yrmotherisabasketball , orbert , whalejoey
talkshow boy
ushouldbedeadbynow, bIoodsexyep, katiakilledu, fckthepainaway, mothafckinvampire, dontfckwithfreedom, ilovemdma , rub1out, preformingmyowntracheotomy, spottingfoxes, hatelikean8O8, iwannatweakyurmoog, OMGiluvlivejournal, dickheadadrian , wackondope, comewhenucall , tomyumtexmex , talkshowboyyaoi , minoguepatroI , lovedoctors
cookie run
homestuck karkautistic
vocaloid/evillious milky8s , handgarden , guiltyverse , ampersand*
foileater , teibels , solozar