/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\ / The \ / /\ /\ / /\ /\ \ /_ \ / \/ /--\ / \/ /_/ /--\ __ / (vandals) HandBook \ //\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\///\///\///\//\//\//\/\ By Capt. Chaos

C02 Cartridge Bombs<<<<<

You will have to use up a new cartridge by either shooting it in a C02 BBGun or use it in a C02 car or what ever else you might figure out to do with it. Using a nail force the hole in it bigger so as to allow the powder and wick to fit in easily. Fill the cartridge with black powder and pack it in there by tapping the bottom of the cartridge on a hard surface..Insert a fuse, light and run..this does wonders for a row of mailboxes. Be careful however, this little beauty thrown shrapnel and can be quite a hazard.

Thermite Incendiary-Bomb<<<<<

The first step in the construction of a thermite bomb is to get some iron-oxide (rust). Here is a good way to make large quanitys in a short time: First you will need a d.c. convertor, whitch can be found on a race track or train track. Cut the connector off, seperate the two wires, and strip them both. You will secondly need a jar of water that has been diluted with salt, this makes the water a conductor. Use about a tabelsp- oon of salt. Next insert both wires into the solution, and determine witch one bubbles the most. You will need to tie a common iron nail to the one that bubbles the most (the positive wire), if you don't you will get the oposite of rust, Rust-Acid! Put the two wires into the jarr on opposite sides of the jar, untill both sides are completely submerged. Let that sit over night, and remove the crusty stuff of the nail, and both wires. Remove the excess water and poor the crusty solution on a cookie sheet, let it dry out in the sun for a few hours or over night. It should be a orange-brown colour, don't work if its not though..Crush into a fine powder, on heat in a cast iron pot untill it turns red. Now mix the Iron-Oxide with Aluminum filings whitch can be bought, or made by filed down of an aluminum bar (Note: you can buy the aluminum filings at an autoparts store, it stops radiator leaks. Scourge.) The ration should be 8/3 the 8 being the rust and the 3 being the aluminum. Get some Magnesium either strips of powder, and put it on the Thermite. The Mag. is the bombs fuse, light the magnesium with a lighter or blow torch, and get away..It makes a volcano..heh..This stuff is damn hot, it'll melt through a payfone with ease..

Touch Explosives<<<<<

This is sorta a mild explosive, but can be dangerous in large quanties. To make touch explosive (such as the kind in 'whipper snappers, but more potent) mix Iodine crystals in amonia until the iodine won't disolve any more (make a saturated solution). Let it sit untill you get a white percip- itate at the bottom..pour off the excess amonia and dry out the crystals the same way you did the Thermite..Becarefull now cause these dried crystals are your touch explosives! (note: this is Nitrogen-Tri-Iodine, in its purest form this stuff is sensitive to light wind or a feathers touch! Since there is no filteration it is less lensitive..Scourge) >>>>>Letter Bombs<<<<<
You will first need to make a mild version of thermite as mentioned above, however you will use just plain iron filings, instead of rust. Mix the Iron and Aluminum, at a ratio of 75% Aluminum and 25% Iron. This mixture will burn violently in an enclosed space (Wow! Like ohh..an Envelope!), witch brings us to our next ingredient. Go to the post office or buisness supply store and buy an insulated (padded) envelope. The double layered kind. Seperate the layers and place the mild thermite in the main/middle section, where the letter would go. In the outer layer place ample magnesium powder..Thats your bomb..to light it... This is the tricky part and is hard to explain in writing, expirement with it untill you have it right. Ok, the fuse is just that touch sensitive explos- ive placed where the letter would be torn open. You may want to wrap it like a long cigerette and place it at the top of the envelope in the outer layer, on top of the powdered magnesium. When the envelope is riped it ignights the magnesium (in a flash), the magnesium ignights the thermite.there you have it, a person with verry bad burns...

Paint Bombs<<<<<

To make a paint bomb you simply need a metal can with a fastenable lid, a nice bright coloured paint, and a quanity of dry ic. place the paint in the can and drop the ice in. Quickly place the lid on tightly and then run (duh).. Whith some testing you can get it down so that you have a timer that works on how much ice you have compared with the quanity of paint you have. If your really pissed at someone, you could place it on a doorstep, knock, and then run!!! Nuff' said about bombs..lets work on cars..

Send A car to Hell!<<<<<

As I'm sure you know there are a thousand and one ways to destroy a car, but I'll just cover the funnest and less known ones.. Place Thermit on the hood, light it, it'll burn though the hood, engine block, and Axel. Tape a C02 bomb to anywere (axel, wheel, muffler, ect.), Burn Magnesium on the hood or roof..Put tampon, sugar, water, salt, dirt, ping-pong ball, anything in the gas-tank..Bannas in the tail pipe (Bev. Hills Cop)..put a long rang deep into the gas-tank, light it and run like hell.. Make a JIMMEY (shown below) out of a long thin metal ruler, and get in the car , rip up the seats, steal the radio, radar detector, whatever Diagram Of A JIMMEY:
_________ | || \ | | |_________| |/

Hate School???<<<<<

Call in a bomb threat, or better yet also leave a fake (real?) bomb in a locker (not yours)..No School that day, Put tons of jello in the toilett, and in a few hours..watch it wiggle see it jiggle..heh..Flush gelletin capletts filled with sodium down the 'twalett and they'll explode, rupturing a watter pipe..Put tons of crystal drano (Lye Brand), I mean bottles, in your toilette..add a roll or two of aluminum foil in it..it creates hydrogen, then drow in a match..the school has ts own olympic flame. Get inside the schools computers ( most likely Apple's) and steal, add, or modify the boards in any particular way..Super/Crazy Glue lock dials..

Phone Related Vandalism<<<<<

If you live where there are underground lines then you can ruin some one's life with ease...All you must do is go to their houseand find the green junction box that interfaces with their line (possibly other lines also) with major lines. These can be found underneath the nearest pole, take a socket wrench and loosed the nut or the right. Then take a wire clippers and clip a few wires, or sledge hamer it, or even bomb it..No phones for a week..Auto Dial them (use an extender...or they'll trace you) and dial them for a week.. Call the Phone Company and ask for call waitig, forwording, party line,ect.. Or get it disconnected...


Get a persons mail held while their 'on vacation' for a month, get it forwarded to a neighbors house..Go to target and set all the alarms for the same time
that's all

Pub: 27 Dec 2022 17:07 UTC
Views: 173