ok bro ★。/|\。★
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italics = mutuals okay / friends only
bold = important / specific / gtfo
I'll probably add more if I forgot to put smth here

1. I'm an ace minor so please don't be weird 2. I use tone tags w/ ppl I'm not close with 3. please use tone tags w/ me 4. I'm a bit slow so I may need you to rephrase sentences sometimes 5. I have quite the foul mouth so I swear a lot, please tell me to stop in convos if you feel uncomfortable 6. I'm selective, so don't expect me to follow back 7. Even though I'm ace I make a LOT of sexual jokes, whoopsies hypocrite 8. I flirt as a joke a lot in dms 9. Everything sexual or romantic coming from me is always meant to be taken as a joke 10. Flirting as a joke is okay, it would be unfair if I said otherwise since I flirt a lot lmao 11. My accounts are NOT spoiler free

DNI / DNF ! 💀
1. Basic dni criteria(lgbtphobe, pedo, sexist, racist, ableist) 2. Proshipper/Comshipper 3. Fetishizes mlm/wlw(fujo/fudan), there's a reason why you're called rotten 4. Fetishizes large age gaps 5. I know damn well the people I don't want interacting is still going to interact, this is just a formality to make you feel at least some sort of shame for being so disgusting. Anyways I'll just block your nasty ass

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Pub: 20 Sep 2023 11:23 UTC
Edit: 21 Apr 2024 06:21 UTC
Views: 88