im tizz or uhh tizzy idgaf

nbry && blk cross bisx

he they factive/introj of this nigga idk dizzy
grave uhh infp so true mask sys member

b4 u talk 2 me go away
passive agressive if idk u or i dont talk to u a lot, take jokes too far/too literally, associates w problematic niggas
short patience n shit, i cuss a shit ton (no wonder) racists,pedos, gr00mers, dsmp fans, schlatt, tommy & techno dick riders
if i dont like you ill jus make it obvious enough, ion front a lot ig? ableist niggas, sanist mfs, yt ppl who use aave
i use a blaccent in my msgs sumtimes mock ppl for they mbtis/personality or wtv 4 no reason
Pub: 05 Sep 2022 06:17 UTC
Edit: 30 Jun 2023 13:04 UTC
Views: 373