Good ol' Woody

Elm "Woody" Chopper, Fiftyfold Fatherer ♂

In the recondite mountains of the Air Continent, among the woods leading to the Northern Ranges one can find a settlement of hardy Pokémon known as the Clan Almandine. In Algetty Village is where Elm "Woody" Chopper lives his days, working the wood and taking care of the folks. And while sometimes missus Spring Flower might not like the cut of old Handy Beak's jib, or when lil' Stem takes Thorny Hop's bread, or if Nomel Face has a rough day at the job, he's always there to keep things nice and lend a hand. But sometimes he's spread a bit thin, and there's a little noodle around that he can't seem to keep up with. His little "Orner" is quite the troublemaker, try as he might to instill responsability on her it seems to have no effect on her growing pride, village life is just too small for her. Maybe he should try a different approach...

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Origin: Native Guild Role/Occupation: Village Leader
Species: Haxorus Affiliation: Council of Clans
Level: 51 Experience to Next Level: ???
Worn Item: N/A Clothing: N/A
Pokécoin: ??? Glorious Gold: ???
Pub: 16 Sep 2023 21:35 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2023 22:28 UTC
Views: 141