
Shinra ♀

The ever-so tired Guild Master of the Globetrotter's guild. Holds a surprising amount of malice at times. Her full name's Shining Crimson Iron.

· ·
Origin: Native Guild Role/Occupation: Guild Master
Species: Scizor Affiliation: Globetrotter's guild
Level: 39 Experience to Next Level: 450/975
Worn Item: Metallic Belt Clothing: Globetrotter's robes
Pokécoin: 6000₽ Glorious Gold: 0 Bars
Pokémon's Ability Description
Swarm While below ⅓ HP, the damage of the User's Bug-Type moves is increased by 5.

Diamond Rank 500/9000 points to Ace Rank Diamond Rank

Stat Points: 9 (+1) Modifiers Combat Effect
Health Points 0 Level 39 (31 HP) 31 HP
Attack 4 Species Bonus; Level Damage Bonus ɪɪ, Attack ɪ +8 Physical Damage
Defense 0 ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs +0 Physical Mitigation
Special Attack 0 Level Damage Bonus ɪɪ +2 Special Damage
Special Defense 0 ɴᴏ ʙᴏɴᴜs +0 Special Mitigation
Speed 5 Speed ɪɪɪ 8 AP

MOVES (4 slots + Basic Attack)

Name Base Power Action Points Accuracy Type Property Description
Brutal Swing 6 BP 6 AP ≥2 Dark Physical Multi-Target.
Bullet Punch 4 BP 5 (-1) AP ≥2 Steel Physical Priority. AP cost decreased by 1.
Swords Dance - 4 AP 100% Normal Status The User's Attack is increased by 2.
X-Scissor 8 BP 6 AP ≥2 Bug Physical No secondary effect.
Basic Attack 4 BP 4 AP ≥2 ??? ??? Property determined by the User's highest Offensive Stat. Changes Type according to the use of a Type Gem. The simplest Move a Pokémon can use.

RP MOVES (2 slots)
Moves that cannot be used in battle, but during RP segments. You may have two of them at a time.

Name of Move Description
Acrobatics Moves through the air, like a dancer.
Defog Airs out the area.


You have three active IQ slots (numbered below) and may purchase as many as you can afford.

0 IQ points to spend.

IQ Skills Active/Inactive Description of Skill
1. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant IQ slot.
2. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant IQ slot.
3. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant IQ slot.
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description.
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description.

You have skills that can be Trained and applied to situations where they make sense.

These may help you in segments where combat is unnecessary or just to simply show your prowess.

Attributes/Training Next Tier Bonus Progress (Numerical) Progress Bar
Attribute: Cartography MAX (+3) 3/3 ▮▮▮
Attribute: Paper-Pushing MAX (+3) 3/3 ▮▮▮
Battle Attribute: Dexterity Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/6 ▮▯▯▯▯▯
Training for Attribute: Authority ɪ Tier ɪɪ (+2) 1/3 ▮▯▯
Training for Battle Attribute: Agility ɪɪ Tier ɪɪɪ (+3) 1/6 ▮▯▯▯▯▯
Training for Move: None. ᴛʀᴀɪɴᴇᴅ 1/5 ▮▯▯▯▯
Currently Training for Stat: ATTACK ɪ Tier ɪɪ (+2 Attack) 1/9 ▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
Stat: Speed ɪɪɪ Speed (+1 AP) 9/9 ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

INVENTORY (4 slots)

Items your character is carrying with them.

Moves or Items can steal from this inventory. Your Worn/Held Item has its own dedicated slots.

Item Name Description
Worn/Held Item: Metallic Belt Increases BP for Steel-Type moves by 2.
Equipped Item: N/A Vacant hand slot.
1. All-Strike Orb Increases the Crit-Ratio stage of your team by 2 stages..
2. Steel-Type Gem Holding this makes you feel armored. Boosts a Steel-Type move's damage by 3.
3. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.
4. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.

STORAGE (2 slots)

Extra slots separate from your normal inventory.

Items in here cannot be stolen or lost during an adventure. They are kept protected in the base. However, they cannot be drawn from as they are in storage. Inventory should be updated outside an active adventure.

Item Name Description
1. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.
2. Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.


Inventory dedicated to extra stuff.

Things that are important or required for future quests to function. RP items are all the extra things that do not have any function in combat or other bonus granting ability. Normal items can be moved into RP storage, but they cannot be returned to being a normal item.

Type Item Name Description
Key Item Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Vacant inventory slot.
RP Item Paper Fan Often used to whack someone on the head.

OLD MOVES (∞ slots)
These are moves that your character learned already, but elected to replace. Re-learning them is cheaper.

Name of Move Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description
Eᴍᴘᴛʏ Description
Pub: 09 Jun 2023 20:31 UTC
Edit: 13 Jun 2023 00:27 UTC
Views: 223