TMD 2 World Lore: Locations and Shops

This is more information for the world, with most of it being much more specific than just simply the broad strokes intended for the whole campaign's lore. About all the little places and things you can go to. BACK TO LORE

Table of contents below:

Secondary List of NPCs

Listed below are all the non-player characters not significant enough to have a character sheet created for them, either due to their role as a background character or simply because you couldn't be bothered and found no need to. They may be prominent enough to be reoccurring and can "graduate" from this list. You can even include larger teams here, as well.

Group/Name Pokémon Description
Team Rangers Mudkip and Pikachu A strange duo hailing from the Air Continent, they are an independent rescue team operating near the area of Pokémon Square.
Team Stainless Rookidee and Tinkatink A duo of newbie explorers from the Globetrotter's guild. They're little, but they always give it their all! They currently reside in Baram Town, where their mentor, Kleavor, is.
Toiling Ordinance Sneasler A selfproclaimed busybody, she's an assistant for the guildmaster of the Globetrotter's guild based on the Grass continent. While she remains on the Grass continent most of the time, she does travel to other continents if her job needs her to.
Detective ??? Croagunk An independent Detective who oft does work under the Constabulary and the Guild League, he spends his time investigating and posting requests to capture criminals.

Important Locations

Below are all the reoccurring locations that players may be expected to travel back to or visit on multiple occasions. More will be added depending on the stage and progression of the story

Baram Town

Location: Air Continent

please hold experiencing difficult

A thriving coastal town in the Air Continent, it's known for being exceptionally windy, with a constant cool breeze flowing over the region. The responsibility for this area falls to Clan Beryl. The wind is harnessed for the processing of berries and the town has a prominent bakery.

Pokémon Square

Location: Air Continent

please hold experiencing difficult

Post Town

Location: Mist Continent

please hold experiencing difficult

A quiet, sleepy place out in the depths of the Mist Continent. A prime example of a frontier town, with a small population that occasionally sees itself swell on busier seasons with the arrival of teams and adventurers looking for a place of respite in an otherwise civilization-barren landscape.

Shops and Services

Lilac's Wares
Location: N/A
Basic Adventure Supplies, Local Specialties & Odd Jobs

  • The most eye-catching advertisement you will see for Lilac's Wares is the proprietor of the shop himself. A shiny Delibird with a huge backpack, always open for business regardless the time of day despite what the grumpy salesmon might say.
  • Always sells the very basics an adventurer might need, along with goods found in the current region, but the price and payment methods may vary depending on need. The ex-traveling merchant turned supplier still has plenty of contacts, and some contracts, to keep the merchandise flowing despite where he finds himself in the world.
  • Lilac is always on the lookout for certain items and artifacts. When he hears rumors on the wind on where to acquire them, special contracts become available for sale. These contracts will send adventurers on a mission that will unlock new and more powerful items for sale, albeit in limited quantities.

Sneasel's Shop
Location: Anywhere
Move Relearner, Minor Stat Reallocation

  • The appearance of the hastily erected structure with nothing more than two runes to describe itself definitely does not fill you with any level of confidence. Sneasel's mysterious attitude and aura don't help, either. Yet, you do have the benefit of knowing she's legit. Although you doubt her methods are less than... well. You're not sure, actually. At least the services are on demand.
  • Sneasel offers you the ability to remember moves, even ones that you haven't learned! That one might be a little difficult, though. She can also knock some sense into you.

Move Relearner:

  • A session at a specialty shop can be expected to cost 650₽, in which case, the Player can freely select Moves in their forgotten Moves list to relearn.
    • Forgotten Trained Moves: These can be relearned for free at any time.
    • Moves Never Learned: These are Moves a Character has never picked up to begin with but might have had the chance to learn (this does not include Moves that have not had their Level requirements met yet). This can include Moves that are in their species' evolutionary line that might have not been accessible if them rolled a later stage Pokémon. Learning these will cost 250₽ for every point of AP the move uses. If the move has a secondary effect, it costs an additional 250₽.
    • Status Moves have a flat cost of 1,000₽.

Minor Stat Reallocation:

  • Costs 100₽ to rearrange 1 stat point.

Hawlucha's Slam School
Location: Major Towns
Move Tutor, Egg Moves, General TM Vendor

  • Colorful and evocative, it's hard to miss the tent of Hawlucha's Slam School whenever and wherever they might be in a town. The energetic nature and rambunctious sound of hard work is definitely one way to quickly locate this particular group of vendors.
  • Representatives of Hawlucha can help guide you through learning difficult moves, unlock the secrets of your bloodline, and even offer some quick methods to a move, for a price, of course.

Move Tutor:

  • Services cost 25% of the Move's listed TM Price. If not listed, consult a GM to find out a price.
  • There might exist alternative ways to gain tutelage on a move...

Egg Moves:

  • Services cost 15% of the Move's listed TM Price. If not listed, consult a GM to find out a price.
  • The move also requires a part or piece (such as a scale or a feather) of the parent donor.

General TM Vendor:

  • Sells the most popular TMs, however, at a steep markup of 75% of the Move's listed TM Price.

Mystics of Marshadow
Location: Major Towns
Complete Stat Reallocation, IQ refunding

  • Identified by their dark aura and even darker appearance, the presence of these tents seem to swallow up the surrounding light. With nothing but cryptic words and confusing rituals even for the most well-read arcanist, these practicing mystics help you to forget and forgive.
  • Mystics of Marshadow can help you to move around your whole stat table and refund IQ points by removing IQ skills.

Complete Stat Reallocation:

  • Paying 850₽ for a session, players can freely rearrange their entire collection of stats.

IQ refunding:

  • If you are unhappy with the IQ skills your purchased, you can also pay a fixed amount for each skill to be forgotten and returned to being IQ points.
    • Refunding a Tier 1 IQ skill costs 300₽.
    • Refunding a Tier 2 IQ skill costs 600₽.
    • Refunding a Tier 3 IQ skill costs 900₽.

Kecleon Mercantile Clan
Location: Anywhere
General Adventuring Supplies

  • Almost every Explorer, Adventurer, and Rescuer is familiar with this green tent in a town, or a carpet full of wares deep within a dungeon. How is it that they're everywhere? You're not quite sure, but their prices can be fair, given you're Ranked enough for their tastes.
  • They sell almost everything you need for adventuring, even while you're adventuring! Try not to steal from them. It never can end well.

Banking Authority
Location: Anywhere
Cash Storage

  • Store your hard-earned money with a bank! It'll stay safe... and you might get some extra cash along the way!
  • Creating Premium Accounts cost 500₽.

Known Bank Locations:

  • Air Continent: Felicity, Austerity, Sincerity Banks
Pub: 25 Aug 2023 11:43 UTC
Edit: 16 Jun 2024 15:12 UTC
Views: 631