tone tags/indicators are short text at the end of a message to let the reader know how the message is meant to be read, clear up any misunderstanding, or simply tell what the tone is.
the tag is separated from the message it is indicating by a slash /
for example. /lh
tone tags are especially useful for neurodivergent (ND) folk, as they can have a harder time understanding and reading tone through text, as apposed to someone who is neurotypical and may have an easier time.
(not all ND folk have trouble with reading tone, and not all ND folk understand and read tone well)
WHO CAN USE THEM tone indicators can be used for, and by anyone. they originally came about as a way for ND people too be able to understand tone through text, but you dont have to be ND too use them. they're a helpful tool for everyone! use these over text to show tone to help others who might not know. and please, do not hate on tone tags. it's an aid of sorts for multiple people!
OTHER WAYS TO SHOW TONE there are multiple other ways to show tone, even by just telling someone that it was a joke, it was sarcastic and so on. another way is putting what it means in parentheses such as (joking). it can be more accessbile to others who don't know what the tone tag means and with people who don't use them or like them such as the older generations and even some of the newer generations.
TONE TAGS LIST here is a list of the tone tags used, as well as some others some other ND folk might not even know due to new additions. please know that this is just a masterlist of sorts to explain what they mean, how to use them and the tag for them as well. no one is expecting you to remember the full list. and please remember it’s okay to ask for a reminder on what a tag means! and please, share this to others who might need this resource or to others to help educate them! thank you for taking the time to read all of this. <3 please also be aware that this is updated when new tone tags are found!!!
/! + excited.
to show the statement is meaning to being ovely happy at a certain thing, situation, person, etc.
example. i got some new clothes today. /!
/a = alterous
to show the meaning of the connotation of the statement is a type of love that is neither completely platonic nor romantic.
example. you're so pretty! /a
/aff = affectionate.
to show that the statment is meaning something that might seem mean but you mean it in a caring way.
example. you idiot. /aff
/am = actually mad
to show the statement is meaning you are actually mad.
example. just shut up. /am
/ao = an order
to show the statement is meaning a command or an order to another being
example. leave. /ao
/auti = autistic
for sentences that seem really weird and wont be understood for allistic (non ND people)
example. is it just me or does touching wet food make you cringe? /auti
/ay = at you
meaning the comment, sentence, statement is directed at you.
example. amazing. /ay
/b = bitter
to show the sentence is bitter toward something, someone, etc
example. she gave me back my seat but i'm angry she took it first. /b
/br = bragging
to show that the statement is of a bragging tone
example. i got ten crystals today! /br
/c = callout
to show that the statement is a callout
example. and someone left their mess all over my desk. /c
/cb = clickbait
to show that the statement is that of a clickbait.
example. yooo this video has a major fight scene in it! /cb
/cel = celebratory
to show that the statement has a celebratory tone
example. we got some new books at the local bookshop! /cel
/cfc = comfort censor
to show that the statement is censored out of your own comfort
example. i feel s!ck /cfc. another example would be spoilering text on discord.
/cj = coping joke
to show that the statement is that of a joke to cope with something.
example. i mean, if this stick had a point on it i probably would have cut myself on it already. /cj
/co or /cf = comforting
to show that the statement is that to be one of a comforting tone
example. i'm here for you if you need anything. /cf
/cp = copypasta
to show that the statement is that of a copypasta. a chunk of text that has been repeatedly copied and pasted in social media and internet forum posts
example. i went to taco bell and tried to spend a $2 bill, and the cashier had no idea what it was and called the cops. /cp
/d or /derog = derogatory
to show that the statement is derogatory
example. she is extremely dense. /derog
/dir = directed
to show that the statement is directed toward someone. PLEASE BE REMINDED THE STATEMENT MIGHT NOT BE DIRECTED TOWARD YOU
example. i want someone to love me. /dir
/dram = dramatic
to show that the statement is dramatic in tone
example. you've wounded me. /dram
/ex = exaggeration
to show that the statement is an exaggeration of what it is saying
example. there's like a hundred students in this class. /ex
/f = fake
to show that the statement is that of being fake
example. the queen of england is alive, did you see twitter? /f
/fam = familial
to show that the connotation behind the statement is meant to be familial.
example. she means a lot to us /fam
/fl = flirting
to show that the statement is flirting
example. you look amazing today. /fl
/fur = furious
to show that the statement's tone is furious
example. this person is so rude and just took my phone! /fur
/fx = flex (see also: /br)
to show that the statement is that of a flex
example. i got ten dollars from working today /fx
/gen = geninune
to show geninune emotion with said statement
example. i'm here for you. /gen
/gc or /genc = genuinely curious / confused
to show that the statement is a geniunely curious or confused
example. what's that mean? /genc
/gq or /genq = geniune question
to show that the question asked is geniune
example. are you okay? /genq
/gs or /gens = genuine suggestion
to show that the suggestion is geniune
example. why not add colours? /gens
/gw or /genw = genuinely wondering
to show that the statement is geniune wonder
example. what are you doing? /genw
/hj = half joking
to show that the statement is half joking
example. i'm not that hurt /hj
/hsrs = half serious
to show that the statement is that of a half-serious tone
example. we really need to talk about your mental health. /hsrs
/hyp = hyperbole (see also: /dram)
to show that the statement is not meant to be taken seriously and is dramatic
example. you have like ten siblings dude. /hyp
/ij = inside joke
to show that the statement is an inside joke and others outside of the joke will not get it
example. at least she's not sally's daughter. /ij
/info = info / informative
to show that the statement is informative or sharing info
example. our classes end at 4 pm /info
/j = joking
to show the statement is joking.
example. you gave me the wrong time. /j
/jov = jokingly over-reacting
to show the statement is an over-reaction but it is still a joke
example. you're dating him??? /jov
/jth = jokingly threatening
to show that the statement is of a threat, but joking.
example. i will bite your ankles if you call me short again. /jth
/lh = light hearted
to show that the statement is not serious or rude
example. well i'd like to see the results of my hard work. /lh
/lhj = light/hearted joke
to show that a joke said might seem rude but instead was lighthearted
example. you're so rude. /lhj
/lhhj = light-hearted half joke
to show that the half joke was not rude and was instead lighthearted
example. she's so rude sometimes. /lhhj
/lht = light-hearted teasing
to show that the teasingly statement is not meant to be rude or harsh
example. oh yeah, who's the short one now hm? /lhj
/li = literally
to show that the meaning of the statement is literal and geniune
example. she actually flipped me off! /li
/lo = lovingly (see also: /aff)
to show that the statement's connotation is that of a lovingly one
example. get some sleep dipshit. /lov
/lu = little upset
to show that the tone of the statement is a little upset.
example. she broke my phone. /lu
/lyr or /ly = lyrics
to show that the statment is a lyric or lyrics.
example. i can't save us. my atlantis. /lyr
/m = metaphor
to show that the statement was a metaphor
example. their cheeks were roses. /m
/nabr = not a brag
to show that the statement is not bragging about something
example. i have the best boyfriend! /nabr
/nafx = not a flex (see also: /nabr)
to show that the statement is not a flex on someone else
example. i just got ten crystals for like fifty dollars! /nafx
/nam = not actually mad
to show that that statement's tone is not actually mad.
example. she makes me want to punch a wall sometimes. /nam
/nao = not an order
to show that the statement was not an order
example. do those dishes when you get a chance. /nao
/naq = not a question
to show that the statement wasn't a question
example. is it a tiger. /naq
/nau = not actually upset
to show that you are not actually upset
example. you've hurt me sally. /nau
/nav = not a vent
to show that the statement is not a vent
example. i hate school. /nav
/nay = not at you
to show that the statement is not about the person talking about
example. i hate it so much! /nay
/nbh = no-body here
to show the statement is not directed to anyone here (or who is seeing the statement)
example. they're driving me up a wall. /nbh
/nbr = not being rude
to show that the statement is not meaning to be rude
example. that outfit doesn't look that good on you. /nbr
/neg or /nc = negative connotation
to show that the statement has a negative connotation
example. that's a weird green. /neg
/neu = neutral connotation
to show that the connotation of the statement is neutral
example. i got math homework. /neu
/nf = not forced / forcing
to show that the statement is not forcing someone to do something
example. could you delete that please? /nf
/nfl = not flirting
to show that the statement is not flirting
example. you look pretty today. /nfl
/nfta = not forcing / forced too answer
to show that the answer was not forced.
example. yeah i'm okay. /nfta
/nm = not mad or upset
to show that the statement is not that of a mad tone
example. she was so rude to all o us. /nm
/nmay = not mad at you
to show that the statement has a mad tone but it's not directed at the person
example. i absolutely hate today. /nmay
/np = no pressure
to show that the statement is not pressuring a person to do something
example. you should eat soon. /np
/npa = not passive agressive
to show that the statement was not passive aggressive
example. i mean that seems reasonable since you were rude to them. /npa
/nr or /unr = unrelated
to show that the statement was unrelated from the current conversation
example. i got a new dog today! /unr
/nsrs = not serious
to show that the statement is not serious
example. i hate this class. /nsrs
/nx or /nsx = nonsexual intent
to show the statement is meaning that the statement is not sexual intent toward someone or the same person
example. you're really hot. /nsx
/ny = not yelling
to show that the statement is not yelling
example. WHAT DO YOU MEAN???? /ny
/op = optional
to show that the statement is optional
example. add your birthday /op
/ot = off topic (see also: /unr)
to show that the statement was offtopic from the current conversation
example. oh did you guys hear about the new movie coming out? /ot
/p = platonic
to show that the statement's connotation is platonic
example. i love him /p
/pa = passive-aggresive
to show that the statement is passive-aggresive
example. well then maybe kiss my ass. /pa
/pf = playful
to show the statement is that of a playful tone
example. oh come on, don't be like that! /pf
/pos or /pc = positive connotation
to show that the statement has a positive connotation
example. lemon demon's new song came out today. /pos
/q or /quo = quote
to show that the statement is a quote
example. "to infinity and beyond." /q -
/qp = queer platonic
to show that the connotation is that of queer-platonic
example. i care about you! /qp
/r = romantic
to show that the statement has a romantic connotation
example. i love you. /r
/ref = reference / referencing
to show that the statement is a reference
example. what's that pokemon? /ref
/rhq or /rq = rhetorical question
to show that the statement was that of a rhetorical question
example. if you tickle us do we not laugh? /rhq
/rnn - replies not needed
to show that replies are not needed in reply to the sentence
example. i'm going on a hiatus, someone will take over in my absense. /rnn
/rnr = replies not required (see also: /rnn)
to show that replies are not required in reply to the sentence
example. is anyone able to call? /rnr
/safe = read below
to show that the statement or question is safe. usually meant for "can i ask a question?/safe" or spoilered text / images
example. can i ask a serious question? /safe
/sar or /s = sarsasm
to show that the statement is sarcastic
example. ah yes, boisis man /sar (/ref as well)
/spin = special interest
to show that people will only only understand it if they also share the same special interest as the speaker (similar to /ij)
example. he doesn't actually have wings its an illusion /spin
/srs = serious
to show that the statement is serious.
example. we really need to talk /srs
/st or /state = statement (see also: /naq)
to show that the sentence is that of not a question but instead a statement
example. it's cold here. /st
/stim = stim / stimming
to show that the statement was a stim
example. pspspsps /stim
/t = tease / teasing
to show that the tone of the statement is that of a teasing one
example. awh how cute. /t
/tar = targeted (see also: /dir)
to show that the statement is targeted toward someone
example. i hate here /tar
/tan = tangent
to show that the statement or statements is a tangent or ramble
example. i hate this school it sucks so much and this girl sitting next to me so annoying! /tan
/th = threat
to show that the statement is that of a threat
example. i will steal your kneecaps. /th
/ts = to self
to show that the statement it directed toward yourself
example. someone in here is very dumb. /ts
/unin = unintentional
to show that the sententce tone is someone unintentional something like a typo due to autocorrect, tics, or etc
example. how about that? hiiho /unin
/v = vent
to show that the statement is that of a vent
example. we got homework /v
/vau or /vauge = vauge
to show that the statement is vague for a reason
example. she's so annoying. /vau
/wc = with consent
to show that you are giving something such as a hug, info etc with consent from the other person
example. here's a hug if you want it! /wc
/x or /sx = sexual intent
to show that the statement is with sexual intent
example. you're so hot. /sx
SYSTEM/IRL SPECIFIC TONE TAGS these tone tags are used by did/ossd/ddnos/etc systems as well as irls and other's with psychosis
/bm or /bdm = body memories
to show that the sentence is talking about something that happened in body memories
example. we used to have nice teachers. /bm
/exo or /exm = exomemories :
to show that the sentence is talking about something that happened in exomemories
example. jenny and i played softball a few years ago. /exm
/hsp = in headspace
to show that the sentence is talking about something in the headspace
example. cryptid is being mean to me! /hsp
/iw = innerworld (see also: /hsp)
to show that the sentence is talking about something in the innerworld
example. i swear stacy never stops talking about her book. /iw
/psd or /psdo = psuedomemories (see also: /exo)
to show that the sentence is talking about something that happened in psuedomemories
example. i learned how to make flower crowns from mom. /psd
/sm = sourcemate
to show that the sentence is talking about a sourcemate.
example. tommy and i used to make these thread bracelets. /sm
/sou or /sour = source
to show that the sentence is talking about source.
example. i used to know how to forge swords! /sour
/sys or isys = system / in system
to show that the sentence is talking about inner system stuff.
example. tubbo's playing cards with tommy. /sys
/wp = wrong proxy
to show that the sentence or sign off was from the wrong headmate/irl/etc
example. that's weird. - moss | oh wait oops. /wp