ALL TONE TAGS THAT I KNOW OF (may get updated a lot) divider

Tone Clarification for those who dislike/are uncomfortable with tone tags

/aff = affectionate
/av = a vent
/ay = at you (directed to)
/b = bitter/bitterly
/br = being rude
/c = copypasta
/cb = clickbait
/dir = directed

/ex , /fex = example , for example
/f = fake
/gen or /g = genuine
/genq or /gq = genuine question
/hj = half-joking
/hjov = half-jokingly overreacting
/hpr = half prideful
/hs = half sarcastic
/hyp = hyperbole

/ij = inside joke
/j = joking
/jov = jokingly overreacting
/jpr = jokingly prideful/jokingly boasting
/lh = lighthearted
/lhj = lighthearted joking
/lht = lighthearted teasing
/li = literally
/lu = little upset
/lv = lovingly
/ly or /lyr = lyrics
/m = metaphorical
/ma = messing around

/nav = not a vent
/nay = not at you (directed to)
/nbh = nobody here (directed to)
/nbr = not being rude
/nd = not directed
/neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral connotation
/nf = not forced
/nfq = not forced question
/nh = hot hostile
/nm = not mad or upset
/nau = not actually upset
/npa = not passive aggressive
/npr = not prideful
/nr = no reply (meaning don't reply)
/ns or /nsx = nonsexual intent
/nsrs = not serious
/ot = off topic
/outr = outraged

/p = platonic
/pf = playful
/si = silly
/pos = positive connotation
/pr = prideful/with pride
/q = quote
/r = romantic
/ref = reference
/rt = rhetorical question
/s = sarcasm
/srs = serious
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/sys = system (for systems)
/t = teasing
/th = threat
/wc = with consent
/wp = wrong proxy (for systems)


Pub: 15 Mar 2023 04:24 UTC
Edit: 11 May 2023 00:31 UTC
Views: 118