Tone Tags list!
reminder: not all tone tags will be on here.
rentry and edits made by Isaac

/j: joking
"I'll have to deactivate my account now /j"
/hj: half-joking
"we should definitely date /hj"
/s, /sarc: sarcasm
"i absolutely love being sad /s"
/srs: serious
"i'm just so very tired /srs"
/nsrs: not serious
"my leg's hurting a little bit but i'm okay /nsrs"
/g: genuine statement
"i'm thankful that you're talking to me right now /g"
/lh: light-hearted
"isn't is spelled 'unnecessary'? /lh"
/nm: not really mad or upset
"i think you got that fact wrong /nm"
/pos, /pc: positive connotation
"the movie's back on for tomorrow! /pos"
/neg, /nc: negative connotation
"i have work tomorrow /neg"
/lyr, /lyrics
"she's a, she's a lady, and i am just a boy /ly"
/p: platonic
"i just want to hug you /p"
/gq, /genq: genuine question
"are you okay with me talking right now? /gq"
/t: teasing
"it seems your sense of humour is horrible /t"
/ref: reference
"it's like none pizza with left beef /ref"
/nbh: nobody here, for vague mentioning
"i'm just so angry at someone /nbh"
/r: romantic
"i really want to cuddle with you right now /r"
/sx, /x: sexual intent
(Used for sexual innuendos, or similar hinting)
/nsx, /nx: non-sexual intent
(Used to clarify the lack of any such sexual intent in a statement)
/m: metaphorical
"i was just swept away by a wave /m"
/li: literal
"the fish was as big as my torso /li"
/ij: inside joke
"it's a whale on dry land /ij"
/rh, /rt: rhetorical
"who even cares? /rh"
/hyp: hyperbole (exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally)
"i've told her ten thousand times to stop playing that song /hyp"
/c: copypasta (a block of text which is copied and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites)
/f: fake
"i saw this post yesterday /f", which could be accompanied by an edited or modified post
/th: threat
"i will get you to read that book /th"
/cb: clickbait
"this website saved my life! /cb"
/a: affectionate
"you're a bitch /a"
/q: quote
"get up, get up, there are worlds to conquer /q"
/nf: not forced
"do you want to go out with me today? /nf"
/pa: passive-aggressive
"looks like someone has been talking to someone else behind my back /pa"
/npa: not passive-aggressive
"i think someone has stolen my pen /npa"
/wc: With consent
Ex. ā€œšŸ«‚ /wcā€
/info: information
"It actually says turtles! /info"

System tags /sc /sou: source
(used with source talk)
/sys: system
"oh yeah that was sunny /sys"

Xtra things Dni: do not interact
Dniuc: Do not interact unless close
Dniu (names): Do no interact unless specified people)
Dniuvc: Do not interact unless very close
Iwc: Interact with caution
Iwec: Interact with extreme caution
Oti: open to interact

Pub: 29 Jan 2023 03:56 UTC
Edit: 05 Jul 2023 21:22 UTC
Views: 260