basic dni crit, support endo sys, think
fiction does not equal reality, against
reclaiming slurs, chronically online, judge
alters based on their roles or source, font
or closed symbol users, involve yourself
in harmful subtwts (ie edtwt, shtwt, edtwt,
etc), romanticize gore or cannibalism, fake
claimers/judge systems based on headcount
body has bpd, adhdtism, and is physically
disabled, i say slurs the body can reclaim,
gets very excited about srcemates of any
kind, i am an emotion holder (more
specifically i am a delusion holder) so please
if you ever see me experiencing delusions
of grandeur, knock some sense into me

Pub: 28 Jul 2023 20:11 UTC
Edit: 29 Jul 2023 19:54 UTC
Views: 62