sorry im autistic abt this lowk
made by - samuel
BASTARD - the beginning
OK YAY! This album is my favourite. I love you Ace.... Anyway, In this album, the main focus is Tyler's anger directed at his dad, who was never present in his life growing up. Hence the name ' Bastard. ' In the beginning, he gets paired up with a therapist, named Doctor T.C, who was supposed to help him get over his dad. He had been causing trouble in school, so he was stuck with him until he behaved better. He tells Tyler ( who I'll refer to as Ace from now on ) about himself and how there will be three sessions between the two. Today, Tomorrow and the next day. Throughout the album, the perspective is aimed to be Ace ranting about the burdens of life and his intrusive thoughts. I won't even EXPLAIN Sarah to you because it'll get this rentry taken down, but if you listen to it, it's pretty self explanatory. Ace expresses deep hatred for his father throughout this album, but at the end, he just cant take it anymore and lets the song go quiet, before a vocalized ' bang ' echos. This could symbolize a lot of things, but it most likely is to represent the fact that he doesn't want to be Ace anymore, he doesn't want to grieve his father for the rest of his life OR he wants to pull the trigger SO desperately, but he can't work up the guts to go through with it.
SONGS YOU MAY KNOW: sarah bastard french!
- before you go into this album, please note it is extremely edgy, because it was written by a 16-18 year old with crippling life issues.
- content warnings before you go into literally any of the songs on this album: rape, cannibalism, murder, other gross stuff like that
i think bastard is really good album, solely for the fact the lore, lyrics and genuine just mechanics of ace. listening to the songs after finding out the lore makes things click super hard. its nice. definitely one of my favourites both lore and track wise.
Ok so, yes, this IS the second album. But it comes last, so go read the WOLF section if you want this part to make sense. I will be talking about it like its the last album here, so proceed with caution.
The album starts off with DR. T.C saying " you wouldn't do that Tyler, kill yourself or anyone. You dont even have the balls to begin with. " Which is a continuation off of the last sentence on WOLF, being a conversation about Sam. At the end of the song Goblin, he attempts to change the subject, or even just to get to know Tyler a little better, he says " So how was your trip to New York ? " With the next track being titled ' Yonkers ', a city in New York.
The beginning of the track starts with " Wolf Haley / Golf Wang " which is, what we can assume, is the full name of Wolf, from the previous album. In this song, Tyler and one of his alter egos battle back and forth, the alter ego being Wolf Haley himself, who he so desperately wanted to be. Examples of this being the first line, " Im a fucking walking paradox. " Tyler says, to which Wolf jumps in and shuts down his idea with " No I'm not. " Tyler dislikes Wolf, evidently. He wants to be rid of him but because Wolf's image has been set so high in his own mind he's scared of getting rid of him due to the fact he as a whole might plumit.
At the end of the song Nightmare, it's revealed theres this voice in his head, Tron Cat, who tells him to do a whole bunch of crazy, immoral, fucked up shit that he doesn't wanna do. In the track ' Bitch Suck Dick ' ( wild, ik. ) He's just rapping about literally nothing until something triggers him, and he shoots two of his friends that he was rapping with, Jasper and Taco. In the beginning of the next track, ' Window ', DR. T.C gets Ace's friend's together to try to help him, at the end of the track, he gets a gun and kills a handful of his friends, most likely because Tron Cat told him to do so. Once clearing all of his friends, he is immediately filled with regret and starts mumbling apologies.
At this point, DR T.C has walked in and came across the scene. Tyler is hysterically sobbing and just totally breaking down, DR T.C stays level headed, and asks for the gun. To which Tyler complies, but he's still a mess. Dr T.C comforts him and " gives him space while he works things out. "
The next ( lore important ) track is called ' Golden ' , which begins with DR T.C acknowledging Tyler's issues, and as it's the end of the session, he asks him " Is there anything else you want to say before this session ends? " Tyler then begins to realize that DR T.C isn't providing aid that he needs, and that hes wasting time here. He begins to snap at him, getting aggressive and yelling out " You dont help me with SHIT. " To which DR T.C calls security after Tyler hesitates to calm down after screaming " I'm not crazy! " And starts ranting about being a table. So they drug him in attempts to calm him down, which works, but he's still aggressive. Tyler yells out " No one gave a FUCK. " in the heat of the moment, to which DR T.C responds with " Somebody gave a fuck Tyler. And, uh, the person that gave a fuck was me. See, you're not.. going crazy, its me, I'm your bestfriend Tyler. " And he goes on a deranged rant, to which he confirms that he was everyone in this story. Ace, Wolf, Tron Cat ( WHICH STANDS FOR T.C!!! ) And Tyler himself. It was all apart of Tyler's imagination. All of it.
SONGS YOU MAY KNOW: yonkers she tron cat
- content warnings: dont listen to tron cat. <3 it actually got him banned in the uk for the sheer brutality of the lyrics, the ban was lifted though.
i dont really care for goblin. its not my favourite album but its not my least fav either, yk?
Now, Wolf ( Ace / Tyler ) goes to Camp Flog Gnaw (Flog spelled backwards is Golf, Gnaw spelled backwards is Wang) At the beginning of "Wolf", the track "Wolf" starts with Sam singing and playing on the piano. Dr. TC, the camps counselor, comes in saying "Music sounds good, Sam, you've been practicing." and introduces Sam to Wolf. Dr. TC says "Sam and his band have been at Camp Flog Gnaw for a while" and then he leaves to fill out field trip slips. Wolf, trying to be casually friendly, asks "you guys like jazz?", and Sam responds with "look, wolf, prairie dog, whatever the fuck your name is. You stay the fuck out of our way and we'll stay out of yours, capisce?"
The next track, Jamba, is just Wolf rapping with Hodgy, until the end, Hodgy says "Here comes that weak ass n word Samuel." The next song, Cowboy, is rapped by Sam/Samuel. One verse says "Grab Salem and Slater and go around, riding bikes." Salem (Salem=Sam+Haley. SAleM/saLEm) Salem is Sam's girlfriend at Camp Flog Gnaw, who he is very protective of. And Slater is the name of Samuels bicycle he rides sometimes with Salem on the handlebars. At the end of Cowboy, Wolf says "Whoa, who's that?" and Samuel responds "That's my girlfriend, Salem. You stay the fuck away from her, alright?"
The next song, "Awkward" is about Samuel and Salem when they first met, and the awkwardness and other details of their first date. Sam expresses how much he loves Salem during this track.
The song "Slater" a few tracks after this just describes Sam riding his bike, Slater. He says, "My bitch is on my handlebars", referring to Salem riding on his handlebars when Sam rides his bike, Slater.
The next song, 48, is about Samuel rapping about his crack/cocaine business in all 48 lower states.One verse states "They call me Mr.Treat-Your-Nose / If you need some blow (cocaine) / I can get it for the low". He describes how he's sorry for selling drugs and ruining others lives, but he needs money just as bad as they needed the drugs.
The next track, Party Isn't Over, is Wolf telling Salem to "take a chance with a n word like me" because he knows she is unhappy with her relationship with Sam. The next part of the song, Campfire, describes Wolf and everyone at Camp Flog Gnaw (even Salem) around a campfire making smores. Wolf is having a good time, and is happy with his life and being at camp Flog Gnaw.
The next track, Bimmer, describes Wolf flirting with Salem, and at the end of the song, when Sam gets back from a drug deal, he asks where Salem is. A friend of his replies they are "by the lake" and Sam becomes angry and mutters to himself "what the fuck?". The next track, IFHY (I Fucking Hate You) is about Sam confronting Salem about hanging out with Wolf. Sam is jealous that Salem likes Wolf, and he doesn't want that to happen. The track ends with Wolf and Salem talking. Wolf asks Salem why he's a dick, Salem tells him that some shit happened back home and he ran away, then Wolf asks, "what happened?" The next song, Pigs, is about Sam, rapping about him killing a kid who bullied him, which is why he's at Camp Flog Gnaw. The next song, Parking Lot, describes Samuel and his 'crew' (aka Loiter Squad) are going to find and kill Wolf because he has been hanging out with Salem. Upon being warned Samuel is after him, Wolf responds, "not if I get to him first." In the next track, Rusty, Samuel shoots Earl Sweatshirt and kills him in hope it'll scare Wolf away from Salem. In a couple tracks after this, Tamale, Wolf was masturbating and someone caught him and took him to the camp office.
The next track, Lone, takes place with Wolf in Dr. TC's office. Dr.TC asks Wolf what's going on, he heard about some fights and stuff, and he wants to know what happened. Wolf starts rapping, and ends on the subject of his grandma dying. Dr. TC apologizes for his loss, and tells Wolf "Last time I seen Sammy, he was looking for you." Wolf replies, "Fuck that n word Sammy." Puzzled, Dr. TC asks Wolf if he has seen him. Wolf replies, "nah, but if I seen that n word I woulda killed 'em." And that is the end of, "Wolf".
SONGS YOU MAY KNOW: ifhy cowboy tamale
- ifhy isnt abt bpd, pls stop saying it is. its so obviously abt avoidant attachment and the fact ur throwing personality disorder labels abt like that is scary
- if u dislike samuel i will find u
- content warnings : none really, there's gun violence and implied death. and tamale is really sexual but its tyler so what do u expect
sorry ill finish this when it isnt like 6am