Top 5 Common Issues in Commercial Air Conditioning Systems and How Preventative Maintenance Can Help

If you've been running a commercial business for a while or are just starting, then you must understand how vital your air conditioning system is. Your customer's comfort and employee's productivity depend on a functioning air conditioning system. However, just like any other mechanical system, these systems encounter problems that can affect their efficiency and effectiveness. Fortunately, regular preventative maintenance can help you avoid hefty repair costs and ensure the longevity of your air conditioning system. In this article, we'll outline the top five most common issues that commercial air conditioning systems encounter and how preventative maintenance can help solve them.

1) Refrigerant Leaks:

Leaks are perhaps the most common issue with commercial air conditioning systems. A leak in the refrigerants means that your A/C unit will not produce enough cool air. Additionally, if the refrigerant continues to leak, it can cause the compressor to fail entirely. Regular preventative maintenance can help prevent this problem by ensuring that the refrigerant levels remain adequate. During maintenance, your technician will also check for leakage signs and address any issues that may arise.

2) Dirty Filters:

Dirty air filters are common in commercial buildings, especially when they use their air conditioners frequently. Failure to change a dirty filter can lead to a build-up of debris and dust, which can hinder the airflow and make the system work harder than it should. This issue can cost you more money in terms of high energy bills and can also affect the air quality in your commercial building. With preventative maintenance, technicians will check your filters and replace them as necessary to ensure the optimal performance of your system.

3) Compressor Issues:

Compressors are vital to the functioning of your commercial A/C unit. Unfortunately, the compressor is often the most expensive component to repair or replace. To avoid this, you should address any issues early on. Regular preventative maintenance can help detect problems, such as electrical or motor problems, and provide a solution before things get worse.

4) Electrical Issues:

Many commercial air conditioning problems originate from the electrical systems. These could include a tripped circuit breaker, faulty wiring, or even an improperly sized electrical panel. Electrical issues in your air conditioning unit can cause unstable power flow, which can lead to significant problems. During maintenance, your technician will check your electrical systems and make any repairs or replacements to prevent any electrical issues from damaging your system.

5) Poor Maintenance:

The main reason that commercial air conditioning systems fail is due to poor maintenance. Regular preventative maintenance can help detect issues before they escalate, extend the lifespan of your system, reduce energy bills, and provide a higher quality of air. Scheduling annual maintenance services with a professional technician can help ensure that your air conditioning system runs efficiently for years.


A poorly maintained commercial air conditioning system can cause discomfort and result in loss of productivity. Still, regular preventative maintenance can help keep your system running smoothly, and help you avoid repairs that can cost you a lot of money. At Answer Air Service, we have the expertise to make your commercial air conditioning system perform at its best. Contact us today to schedule a maintenance service, and we'll help you avoid costly repairs while ensuring your system runs efficiently.

Pub: 14 Jun 2023 04:37 UTC
Views: 135