You just watch the two of them, two oversized school boys shoving an autistic girl against the lockers. Her bag falls over, thousands of Lego blocks blanketing the school hallway, passerby's deftly charging the direction of the foot traffic to walk around her. No one cared, no one willing to help.
You place your hand on the shoulder of your best friend. He still had a wicked grin on his face.
"That's enough dude." You say as you eye the clock at the end of the hallway.
"Yeah you're right anon, stupid bitch should learn how to be normal." He spits out a globule of mucous next to her as she scrambled to get the blocks.
The three of you break off, heading to class. You notice a lone brick by your foot. You absentmindedly pick it up and place it in your pocket. You look back, she's still on the floor.
When class is over she's still there on the hallway, she's talking to teachers and random students, distraught mess. Everyone barely tolerating her presence.
Eventually school ends, and everyone else starts to leave. You have business left though with the student counselor and you stay behind.
She's still fucking there, next to her locker. Holding her legs and planting her face on her knees. There was no one else but the two of you.
You tilt your head as you approach her, she shrinks back when she notices you. She knew you as one of her many tormentors.
"What's up with you Krontismo?" You call after her in the unflattering nickname the student populating gave her.
She averts her gaze, shivering as you stand over her.
"L-Leave me alone." You hated how she talked, she had a deep voice like a mans. You remember one of your friends tried to make Troonii stick but that didn't pan out.
"Why are you still here? Mommy and Daddy don't care enough to pick you up?" At the mention of her parents her eyes dart back at you, her nostrils flare. Her blue irises glaring like daggers at you. She finally showed you something that wasn't abject fear.
"Leave me alone!" She screeches out a like monkey, you wince a little at the high pitched wine. Surprising coming from her.
You raise your foot and stomp her on the stomach. She coughs out, what defiance she mustered evaporating instantly.
"Don't talk back to me bitch." You were very unassuming, but everyone knew you as bancho of the school. Not even the jocks would mess with you.
She's crumpled on the floor, shaking. You can see a stain on her exposed undies.
You kneel down, she's hiding her face with both hands. You force them open.
Snot and drool run down her terrorized face.
You take out something from your pocket and present it to her.
Her eyes widen.
It's the Lego block.
"Looking for this?" You shouldn't have done that.
You're caught off guard when she launchers herself at top of you. Her nails scratching and flailing
"GIVE IT BACK! GIVE IT BACK GIVE IT BACK!" You grunt out at the frenzied assault.
You wrap your legs around her waist and squeeze. She might have autismo strength, but even she can't fight against a trained fighter.
You reverse your position, your arms around her neck in a triangle choke.
She passes out.
You have her in your arms, you can smell her hair. It smelt nice.
You decide to have a little fun before she woke up, you start molesting her. Squeezing her ginormous booba. Damn were they such a waste.
She regains consciousness soon enough, struggling and crying out at how you were feeling her up.
You hold her down. Thank you dad for getting you those jiu jutsu lesson.
"Calm down Kronii." You address her properly this time.
"Give it back..." Those words have lost their strength, now a pitiable plea.
You comply, placing the brick in her breast pocket.
You bring your mouth closer to her ear. Your face is blazing with pain, it felt amazing.
"You're pretty hot when you're angry." You compliment her, before letting her go.
You stand up, tracing your fingers on your face. A shit load of blood on your fingertips.
She's cradling the block like it was the holy grail, holding it tightly and weeping in happiness.
You just stare at her, your dick tenting up like a flagpole in your pants. You always thought you were asexual, nothing really turned you on.
She was going to be yours you promised yourself in your head.

Pub: 03 Oct 2021 04:04 UTC
Views: 330