Unbroken Cycle Part 3

1/3 (Also got too long)
(I hope I can do this justice.)

Sunny, Aubrey, Hero, and Kel were venturing in Orange Oasis.
Dream Aubrey and Basil were heading over to his house, to try and see if they can patch up the hole that leads to Black Space.
Basil didn't want anyone to fall in there.
Orange Oasis was weird. There were some odd characters around it. She couldn't make sense of any of it.
She was surprised to see Mari already here ahead of them, a picnic blanket and basket already prepared.
Aubrey decided to ask, and apparently wherever a picnic blanket is, Mari is there too. Somehow.
It was a dream. Mari didn't want to think about it too hard.
If Mari's hint was true, there should be tons of things here that show how he saw the world at large.
But Aubrey couldn't make sense of any of it. Was this place Othermart, or something?
She heard of "Otherworld" existing in this dream, maybe that was Othermart?
None of this made sense. And she didn't have much time to think of all this, dealing with Kel, even more annoying than she ever remembered him being.
Seriously, was Kel always this bratty? Is this how Sunny remembered him?
Actually...now that she thought of it, Sunny did hang out with Kel sometimes. Maybe he knew Kel better than she did.
Than again, after he and everyone else abandoned her, she didn't really care much about them anymore.
Aubrey was lost in thought, Kel was looking at the sky, Hero was looking at a map, and Sunny was spacing out.
Somehow, all of them tumbled into a sinkhole.
It was a maze. Of course, just their luck.
Someone who had fallen down there prior had left signs pointing to the exit, seemingly.
Well, except for one trick. They got attacked by some...undead gingerbread men when they turned around from the dead end.

2/3 (Yeesh, a three parter? Control yourself, me.)

After going the correct way, they found the ladder.
Aubrey saw a sign with a smiley face, and a "You did it!" under it. She felt it was a bit nice to see it bathed in light from the outside.
She ran ahead to check out the ladder, it seemed fine. "Hey Sunny, this seems to be the way out!"
However, Sunny was looking at something else. He looked hurt. Kel was putting a hand on his back, and he looked...sad? Kel could be sad?
Hero was kneeling down at something. It was a jump rope? What was that doing here? A jump rope, why would that be here?
"Sunny, are you okay? What's wrong?" She walked up to him to make sure he was okay.
"...I'm sorry..." he barely whispered. Aubrey as confused. Sorry about wha-
A jump rope.
A message.
You did it.
Aubrey quickly wrapped Sunny in a hug. "Sunny, it's okay, the exits over here, let's go!"
She decided to pick him up. Even in this dream, he was still so light...
Sunny wrapped his arms around her, so she could climb the ladder hands free. Kel and Hero followed after them, both worried at what could happen.


Once in the light, she set him down, and sat by his side, hugging him tighter. Kel and Hero didn't know what to do, but Hero did his best to keep the sunlight out of their faces.
Aubrey had to ask, since Hero and Kel apparently knew more than she did. "What...was THAT doing there?!"
Kel winced. Hero tried to explain. "It's not...something that can just be forgotten..."
Sunny spoke at last. "It never...hurt this much. There are other signs like that, but it never-not this much-"
Aubrey could only hug him ever tighter, and say as many comforting this she could. She couldn't even bother shoving Kel away from patting Sunny's back.
"Maybe it's because I'm not Omori anymore..." Sunny said miserably. "Omori never even registered this stuff."
Hero decided this was his turn to try and help. "Maybe that's a good thing. You're not running anymore. Even if it hurts, you aren't running from what you-what happened."
You did it.
Blackness consumed everything, Aubrey barely had time to yelp before-
They were back at the beginning.
Back in "White Space", as he called it.
The door was gone, though. And Sunny was...
He was standing there, looking at the steak knife in his hand.
"Sunny, don't you dare-!"
She couldn't reach him. He plunged it into his stomach. Aubrey let out a scream, desperately holding him, trying to get the knife out and-
She woke up. They were together. His eyes were open. He didn't stab himself. He was alive.
She desperately clung to him, sobbing as she begged him to never do that again.
Sunny couldn't answer her.

This is what I want to be good. I really love the idea of, if anyone ends up in Sunny's Headspace, they end up seeing the darker parts of it. And the subtler stuff, like the "You did it!" sign.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:09 UTC
Views: 640