

any pronouns probably
realistically 19

Simple things

plays a lot of games
easily get mental boomed
occasionally very unstable
shares a lot of cringes.

Some important stuff

if you wanna talk with me, dms are open, but I am not welcome to any kind of whores or any kind of sex jokes it's literally disgusting.
if you wanna stalk on my wall, I personally encourage you to get a life and fuck off. You are literally having internet overdose to do shits like that.
if you wanna brag about your gacha results on my wall, shame on you for playing a gacha game in the first place let alone being proud about it.
if you wanna meet me IRL, please be aware that I am nothing like what I show on the internet and you might have a lil shock lmao, but other than that I am fine with IRL meetups.

Pub: 09 Oct 2023 17:36 UTC
Edit: 09 Oct 2023 18:24 UTC
Views: 296