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art by catgirlsprite on tumblr

i love johnkat.. i think?

hi. call me wuss. i am, as of this edit, 15 years old. i identify as a girlboy, and i go by she/he pronouns. i'm autistic, and hyperfixated currently on the webcomic homestuck. you can read that crap officially here. i enjoy listening to music, and my favourite artists for now are mitski, and alex g.
(you can find alex's unreleased albums on this site)
guestbook me now, and then proceed to dm me mean words on discord.
my username is @gayvestriderdickrider.
shout out to my dear rei and hunter. they are my slaves... i mean kids

go back.

Pub: 21 Feb 2024 16:24 UTC
Edit: 26 Jun 2024 18:01 UTC
Views: 210