I am protective over these interests...


  • Pathologic (or anything related to it)
  • Good kid (or anything related to it)
  • Always sunny
  • My favourite songs
  • The plague as a topic. I'm a hipster about the bubonic plague. I'm sorry.
  • Anything I introduced you to (rare exceptions)


  • Charlie Kelly
  • Mac McDonald
  • Will Graham (Lina exempt)
  • Kazui Mukuhara
  • Unabara
  • Every Pathologic character
  • Gentu, Rebel, Umon, every other Good Kid character
  • Some more characters on and off, but the ones above are generally constant right now.

This text = I will actually slit my fucking throat if you tell me you like this more than or even remotely close to the amount that I do. YOU DO NOT.

Regular text = I'll still argue with you, but I won't kill myself.

I literally am Pathologic and Good Kid, by the way. I am them and they are me. I am not a full person without them. There is no "getting them" like I do. There is no plane of existence, even in a theoretical context, in which I am not the only one who loves these two pieces of media to the utmost peak that anyone possibly could. I AM SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED TO THEM IN A WAY THAT EXCEEDS THE LIMITS OF OUR PHYSICAL REALM. NO ONE ELSE IS. IT'S JUST ME. YOU CAN'T HAVE PATHOLOGIC OR GOOD KID WITHOUT HAVING ME. THEY ARE MINE AND MINE ONLY. What I'm not autistic what are you even saying to me right now

Pub: 22 May 2024 04:35 UTC
Edit: 27 Jun 2024 08:29 UTC
Views: 89